A relationship that can be shared between any two people who love, encourage, support and help each other practically as well as emotionally. Positive relationship should bring more happiness than unhappiness into a couple’s life.
Building positive relationship is a two-way process and it starts with respect. You cannot have a good connection with the other person if you do not respect him/her. For instance, consider that a husband and wife do not respect or value each other? Such a relationship will quickly turn negative and break. Therefore, to strengthen a bond and make it long-lasting, respect is the first factor you must pay attention to.
Compatibility is hard but not impossible to develop. In the case of any relationship, people have their set of differences. One person may not think in the same way as the other, but adjustments must be made. Without giving room to the other person, having a positive thinking relationship is very difficult. By reading this article you will come to know that what is a positive relationship? Exactly!
Kinds of Positive Loving Relationships
A relationship refers to the correspondence between two livings. When we talk about types of relationships, we can mean that in at least two ways: the nature of the relationship or the pattern of it.
1) Nature of a Relationship

The nature of a relationship describes the kind of bond you share with someone. There are different classifications of relationships that have an impact on their nature as well. For instance, the nature of a brother-sister relationship will be very different from a husband-wife one.
Understanding the nature of a relationship is important since it helps in setting expectations. How do you want your relationship to behave? What are your expectations from him/her? All these questions depend on the kind of bond you have with the other person.
2) Patterns of Relationships

There are different relationship patterns, and you should know about the one you fall under. For instance, there is the “Care Giver” relationship pattern. People who follow it like to be caring about the ones they are connected to. Friendship is a key example in this case. If you are friends with someone, you or your friend would be following the Care Giver Pattern. This means taking care of other people’s interests. Another pattern is the “Parent” relationship pattern. This involves various emotions including real love, care, authority, and patience. Mothers and fathers follow this pattern to take care of their children in the best possible way.
Positive Good Relationship Deposits

In Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey (1989) compared human relationships to actual bank accounts suggesting that every day we make deposits or withdrawals from our relationship accounts with each person in our lives. He recommended that to keep an overall positive balance, we need to make regular positive deposits. This will ultimately help buffer the negatives that are bound to occur in relationships.
Signs of a Perfect Positive Relationship Affirmations
There are various signs of a positive relationship including the following.

❖ Complete Trust
When you have a positive relationship with someone, 100% trust is always there. Because you are honest in committed relationship. You would not have any problems depending on the other person. In addition to that, you would not have any doubt about what he or she is saying.

❖ Caring Behaviour
Caring is the basic need of any positive relationship definition. You think about the other person before viewing your benefits. For instance, a comfortable relationship between a husband and wife would show the man thinking about his partner’s preferences before his own.

❖ Complete Support
Positive relationships have the highest level of support. Whether you talk about husband-wife relations or bonds between friends, there is complete support for each other. If a husband wants to work in another country the wife will support it. As she would want her husband to be more successful in how to stay positive in a long distance relationship?
Signs Of a Negative Relationship
There are various signs of negative relationships including the following.
❖ Jealousy

If you are being jealous of your husband/wife, boss, sibling, or friend, it is a clear sign that you do not wish well for that person. In such cases, the basis of a relationship is harmed. And how social media apps like Facebook does impact on a healthy relationship. This practice reduces the life span of relation and it does not last for long.
❖ Suspiciousness

Relationships cannot survive without trust irrespective of the category they belong to. A bond will not exist if two people connected do not count on each other. For instance, the biggest reason for marriages breaking is suspiciousness. A wife may think that her husband is having an affair if he is late from work while he may be stuck with a meeting. With such an attitude, relations do not last for long.
❖ Continuous Fights

If you are not compatible with a person you are related to, it would be hard to keep calm. This would lead to continuous fights. In addition to that, this weakens the relationship and it gradually breaks off the love. Usually, when people fight over each and everything, the distance grows between them and eventually they stop interacting.
Why Positive Relationships Are So Important For Health?

❖ We Live Longer
Positive relations improve the life span since there are less fighting and no tension. When the mind is in a calm state, the person lives for longer as he does not have to face stress. The life span of an individual depends on the kind of relations he has. Some people like living alone and survival become hard for them irrespective of how rich or successful they are.

❖ We Heal Quicker
There is no doubt that tensions are a part of our daily lives. Dealing with them is not about gulping down medicines. You need to have people to talk to. Discussing your problems with them would reduce the stress levels. And listening the positive relationship songs also heal the mind quickly. Hence, you would be able to walk out of a stressful situation quickly.

❖ We Have Lower Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is a medical problem, but it depends on the mental state of an individual. If you have good sincere people around you, it becomes easy to combat high blood pressure problems. In other words, good relationships eliminate the need of taking medicines to combat blood pressure as there is someone to talk to.

❖ Less Stress
Stress is a condition in which the human mind goes into a strained condition. This impacts the thinking ability as well. Good relations can help in reducing stress through an easy process. When you stay calm, stress levels do not rise. Having sincere people around you eliminates stress.

❖ Healthier Behaviour
An individual’s behavior is a great sign of the relations he or she has. If someone is cranky at work, it can be a sign that he may be having a tough time with his or her life partner. Showing the right behavior is important as it helps in adjusting to other people. If your relations are stable and moving ahead without problems, your behavior would portray that.
How Can You Develop Constructive Relationships Successfully?
1. Accept and Celebrate Differences

Every person is not the same, so you must accept that. One person may take an hour to complete an assignment while the other may require a complete day. You should accept that every person cannot have the same temperament as you.
2. Give People Your Time

Nothing can be done on an urgent basis. Relationships require time and this is an important aspect to understand. If you are patient, relations would surely last longer.
3. Learn to Give and Take Feedback

The way you explain a point matters a lot. If your child is throwing things around, shouting would create a negative impact even if you are right. Therefore, use appropriate communication skills and talking tone while conversing. This impacts the life span of a relation.
4. Develop Your Communication Skills

Being explanatory is very important. At times, relationship conflicts occur only because one of the persons did not communicate properly. Make sure that you use the correct terminologies and address your concerns properly so that your relationship does not get ruined.
5. Develop Empathy

There is an absolute requirement for empathy in every relationship. If you are not sympathetic towards the other person, it will be hard to continue the bond for long. At times, you need to think emotionally and not logically.
6. Schedule Time for Building Positive Relationship

Relationships take time to build and a lot of patience is required for this purpose. Do not be impatient and hasty. Trust is the key requirement for any relation, and it does not get constructed overnight. Hence, make sure that you give time for the bond to strengthen.
7. Develop Mutual Respect

No relations can last if you are unable to respect the other person. Give importance to what he or she says. Not respecting the other person gives the other person the impression that he or she does not have any value. This reduces the life span of a relation.
8. Practice Active Listening

A relationship can never exist if one person talks and the other listens. Be a good listener and patiently understand what your partner is saying. This will improve the relationship eradicate conflicts. Listening also helps in understanding the personality of the other person.
Conclusion: Usually, people complain about their relations not lasting for long. The important thing is being aware of the reasons. Some relations do not last because there are serious compatibility problems. In addition to that, people are not prepared to adjust. This hampers the life span of the relation. It is important to pay attention to the key factors for strengthening a relationship. Trusting the other person is extremely important. If you have suspicions about what he or she is saying, the relation would not last in the first place.