Real Love: Blockbuster Romance And Truth

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

18 thoughts on “Real Love: Blockbuster Romance And Truth”

  1. I absolutely LOVE this. I have seen so many people disappointed in their relationships, because they thought love was a Hollywood movie. Nope.

  2. I think it’s so important for people to remember that Hollywood love and real life love are two entirely different things. If you think your life is going to be something out of “The Notebook”, you’re going to be super disappointed.

  3. When I was younger, I believed in fairy tales and thought that *real* relationships functioned the same way. Now I understand that what we are shown in the media is not realistic. Real love means accepting the person fault, warts and all. It doesn’t mean you won’t get mad or disagree, it just means that you understand that they are as imperfect as you.

  4. To me, realistic love is knowing that the person I married isn’t the same person he was 20 years ago, and he won’t be the same 20 years from now. He’s always changing, as am I, and we wake up each day choosing to accept those changes and support each other no matter what.

  5. What a brave step to identify realistic love and the importance of expression and understanding. I’m constantly surprised by couples who split up because the other person doesn’t deliver what they expect. Much of the time it’s because communication needs some help.

  6. This is a insightful article.
    Another aspect to a relationship is simply being able to tolerate each other in the long run.

  7. For me realistic love is knowing that everything is not going to be exciting or fresh all the time, yet still appreciating the monotony of life with your significant other. Communication and understanding are vital as well.

  8. It is very important to put the word “love’ into perspective and really think about what it means. To me, realistic love is unconditional and frustrating in the most fulfilling ways.

  9. It can be hard to maintain a healthy relationship for a long-time. But having realistic expectations makes it possible.

  10. It can be hard to have realistic love for sure. It all starts and ends with a strong, positive, uplifting relationship and understanding.

  11. I’ve decided the best people can hope for is that they are on the same page. Love seems inextricably tied to a relationship and that is where things can flourish or not survive.

  12. This is such a great topic…sometimes Realistic and Love are two words that don’t seem to go together, but it is so important to have realistic goals and expectations around love.

  13. This is so real and true. They are many demons and securities that can flare up in a relationship and turn it toxic. I believe the key is to always communicate those feelings and work through them together.

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