How to Effectively Communicate with your Teen Daughter

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

12 thoughts on “How to Effectively Communicate with your Teen Daughter”

  1. Most of the time they just want you to listen and understand them. Most parents react harshly and that’s the reason teens would rather not open up. These are very good tips!

  2. I’m not raising a teen girl, but I’ve had 3 step-daughters, 2 step-sons, and 2 boys of my own (who are now grown). I can honestly say that your tips work for boys, too

  3. For me, it was all about my mom being clear with me. Being a teenager is hard… so I was glad she put the time in to listen and hear me.

  4. My daughter graduates at the end of this new school year coming up. It’s been a long hard haul, but thankfully we’re seeing the (school) finish line. She’s amazing and beautiful and talented, but she is also a mess right now. A bundle of insecurities and testing me so hard at every turn. It’s like a battleground many days and I think it’s hard to be a teen, and hard to be a mom of a teen, but so very worth it. Every age is a good age too.

  5. This is really worth reading and have a smart tips! When I was a teen, my mom used to be as my listener, she’s really understanding but she makes me correct all the time and still good listener.

  6. I remember my teen years vividly. All I wanted to do was have my mom listen. She rarely ‘heard’ me and was more focused on lecturing me, criticizing me, and would frequently blow of what was happening in my life as insignificant. Which, a supposed friend spreading a rumor at the time was the end of the world to me and my mom laughed it off and said “wait until you have real problems.” As a parent myself now, I try really hard to listen to my kids and validate their feelings – as much as I want to laugh when my 5yo daughter tells me I am ruining her life by not buying princess Elsa underwear. These are all really good tips for any age. We use a parenting thing called “the bubble” … I’ll find the link and send it to you

    1. That’s so true, at any age. They just want you to listen. To hear them. To know that they can confide in you about ANything (good or bad). I somehow managed to get that connection with all 3 kids and I am not 100% sure “how” I did it. Guess I Was just being who I am and what I felt I needed as a child, and don’t feel I received.

  7. Great post! I am not raising teen daughters YET…but I’m getting ready to give birth to twin girls. My time draws nigh LOL

  8. This is good advice. There’s nothing better than learning from other parents who’ve “been there, done that”… my daughter is almost at this stage, but I have a few more years. 🙂

  9. I don’t have teen daughters, but that is great advice. I think listening to their daughters will help moms navigate this potentially rocky stage.

  10. Such a great reading! I’m so glad that you share this with us. I don’t have a daughter and I think it’s more helpful to my sister that have 3 daughters.

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