Blue Man Group Partners with Autism Speaks – Sensory Friendly Show

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

14 thoughts on “Blue Man Group Partners with Autism Speaks – Sensory Friendly Show”

  1. I love that they are doing this! My husband and daughter have gone to a show but, maybe now I will take my son!

  2. Thanks for sharing about this. My son is on the spectrum and I love that they do sensory friendly shows!

  3. Our son is on the autism spectrum and had difficulties with things like this a few years ago, but did well during a recent Cirque performance we attended. How wonderful that headliners like Blue Man Group are making it a point to ensure everyone can enjoy their show!

  4. This is really awesome. My kids have worked with special needs kids for over 10 years, and it make me so happy when I see things like this on the news.

  5. I love that Blue Man Group is collaborating with Autism Speaks to provide a sensory friendly show. It honestly makes my heart melt. I hope you all enjoy the show – particularly your middle child 🙂

  6. This is pretty awesome to see. It’s great when an event like this is planned for a great cause, and many can attend with it being sensory friendly!

  7. That’s very kind of them to be part of such a good cause. Raising awareness for this type of health issue is definitely important as people tend to overlook it. I’m glad they’re doing this!

  8. It is wonderful that they are doing autism friendly shows. It is important that everyone is able to really enjoy their shows. More performers should take note of this.

  9. How cool they are doing a sensory friendly show – they sound like such a great act to see live with all they do with every show. x

  10. It is nice that they are doing these may not have full impact but it works for a larger audience.

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