If you’re into your health and fitness, it’s likely that you’re already aware of the term ‘intermittent fasting’, which is a method that involves alternate periods of eating alongside periods of fasting. If the word ‘fasting’ gives you chills, the truth is that we all fast naturally in our day to day life. With the average human being sleeping for between 7 and 8 hours each day, this automatically means that we have ‘fasted’ or gone without eating.

As we enter a new decade, men’s testosterone levels are at an all-time low. With research carried out indicating that average testosterone levels have been decreasing by 1% each year, low testosterone levels can lead to poor health outcomes. There are natural and easy ways to boost testosterone levels, such as intermittent fasting.
Whether it’s to lose weight, improve overall health or simplify your life, here are some of the benefits that intermittent fasting can bring to testosterone levels.
Understanding Testosterone
Known as an androgen, testosterone is a hormone that is solely responsible for numerous male sex characteristics, such as hairiness and enhanced muscularity. Although testosterone is primarily produced in the testicles, it’s important to note that women can produce small amounts of testosterone in their ovaries.
In men, there are many crucial roles that testosterone plays, including:
- Development of the testes and penis
- Bone growth and strength
- Muscle size and strength
- Sperm production
- Deepening of the voice throughout puberty
- Sex drive
- Possible maintenance of normal mood
Low Levels of Testosterone
If you have low testosterone levels, this should be a concern that you need to address. The late onset of hypogonadism can result in an increase in body fat, loss of muscle tone, disturbances with your mood, difficulty concentrating, as well as memory loss. In addition, low testosterone levels can cause inadequate erections, meaning you may feel unconfident in the bedroom department.
More importantly, low testosterone levels have been linked to metabolic syndrome in men, which is a chronic cluster of health conditions that can increase your risk of getting heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and a stroke.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone
If your androgen levels fall below 300 nanograms per deciliter, you will be diagnosed with low testosterone. If you believe that you’re at a high risk of developing hypogonadism, there are numerous symptoms that you should be on the lookout for, which include:
- Low sex drive – One of the main purposes of testosterone is to maintain a high sex drive in men. If you are suffering from low testosterone levels, this will cause a massive drop in your desire to have sexual intercourse.
- Low semen volume – For semen to be produced, testosterone is crucial. Those with low testosterone levels will see a significant reduction in the amount of semen they can produce, which will naturally have an impact on your fertility.
- Hair loss – You may be surprised to learn that low testosterone levels can affect hair growth. If you have noticed a loss of facial and body hair, this could be because you have low testosterone levels.
- Fatigue – Men who have low testosterone levels continually report being tired frequently. Low T can have a huge impact on energy levels, making you feel restless and rundown, even if you’ve had plenty of sleep the night before.
- Low blood count – According to research conducted by the Journal of the America Medical Association, men with low T are said to be at a higher risk of developing anaemia, which is a condition where you don’t have enough healthy red blood cells in your body.
Avoid Testosterone Therapy
If you are concerned about your testosterone levels, your first port of call may be to go to for testosterone therapy. While treatment may work for some, you need to be aware of the various risks that can occur during therapy, these include:
- Increased risk of heart disease
- Sleep apnea
- Acne and other skin conditions
- Enlarged breasts
- Increased risk of prostate cancer
Understanding Intermittent Fasting
If you would prefer not to go down the route of testosterone therapy, there are numerous other options that you can pick. Natural ways to boost testosterone levels can increase confidence and boost self-esteem, such as by intermittent fasting, which is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting, not eating, and eating.
Understandably, you will be wondering what the impact of intermittent fasting has on testosterone levels. There are numerous other benefits that you can learn about intermittent fasting from websites like Testogen that sell natural testosterone boosters which help to increase your muscle size, stamina, and strength, as well as improving your performance and reversing your flagging libido.
If you would like to know some of the key benefits that intermittent fasting can bring to boost your testosterone levels, these include:
Increases Luteinizing Hormone
Stimulating the production of testosterone, luteinizing hormone produces testosterone in the cells of your testes. If you are able to increase the levels of luteinizing hormone, you may be able to increase your androgen levels too. What’s more, you don’t have to jump through hoops to raise your LH levels either. Short periods of fasting can see a wide range of benefits, especially in non-obese men.
With research indicating that intermittent fasting can increase LH by as much as 66%. Your testosterone levels can be boosted by an incredible 180%!
Increases Growth Hormone
The growth hormone (GH) and testosterone are both potent anabolic (building muscle) hormones. If you are planning on going down the route of intermittent fasting. A 24-hour fast can see you naturally increase your GH levels by nearly 2000%. As you can imagine, if you’re able to increase your GH levels so dramatically. Think about how it will boost your testosterone levels.
Increases Insulin Sensitivity
Evidence from studies have shown a positive correlation between insulin resistance and low levels of testosterone. Meaning that the more sensitive you are to insulin, the greater the level of testosterone you will have. If you’re wondering if there are any straightforward ways of raising your insulin sensitivity levels. You should know by now what can help more than anything: intermittent fasting!
Intermittent fasting is said to provide a ton of positive benefits for insulin resistance. Following the same strategies, you can not only raise your body’s sensitivity to insulin but boost your testosterone levels too.
Decreases Fat Mass
You may not be aware, but the more body fat that you hold onto. The less testosterone your body is able to produce. If you tend to be on the heavier side of the scale, try not to worry. If you’re serious about losing weight, you will notice that your testosterone production levels will increase after shedding the pounds. Workout is one of the best things to decrease Fats and waight
Studies have consistently proven that the more weight you lose, the higher the testosterone increase. No one is saying you need to lose 60 pounds for it to be effective either. Just a slight 5% loss in weight can boost testosterone levels. Understandably, losing weight can be a huge challenge that requires patience, dedication, and determination. If you are struggling to keep the pounds off and aren’t sure where to turn. Intermittent fasting may be your answer.
Decreases Leptin Levels
Leptin is a hormone that is predominately produced by your fat cells, helping to regulate energy balance by reducing hunger. While you may be thinking that leptin is benefiting you in the long run, that’s not always the case.
If you overheat and hit the snooze button on leptin. This tells your body to ignore the ‘I’m full up’ messages to your brain. Meaning you will find it very difficult to feel full and satisfied. As a result of this, you will put on more fat mass, causing your testosterone levels to decrease. Thankfully, choosing intermittent fasting can help to reset your sensitivity to leptin. Helping you to get back in control of your portions. Once your calorie intake begins to decrease. You will naturally lose a ton of fat mass, causing your testosterone levels to increase steadily.
Alongside helping to improve testosterone levels, intermittent fasting can also change the function of cells, hormones. And genes, help you lose weight and belly fat, reduce inflammation. And oxidative stress in the body, as well as induce numerous cellular repair processes. Intermittent fasting may even play its part in preventing cancer. With so many health benefits that you can gain from intermittent fasting, what are you waiting for?
If you would like to try the intermittent fasting and you aren’t sure where to begin. There are tons of resources that you can check out online which will give you more information on. How the process works and what key steps you need to take to successfully follow it through. If you have any existing health conditions, it’s always best to schedule an appointment with your doctor. Who will be able to advise you further on what intermittent fasting is? And what strategies you can take to boost testosterone levels in your body.