Many moons ago, I worked for a bank. One of the perks of working for the said bank was that we received free check-ups at a local optician, and, if it were discovered that we required glasses, we would receive 50% off our first purchase. Now, I didn’t need glasses. I’d never had any need for them. My vision was as clear as a bell (apologies for the mixed metaphor). But they offered us the whole day off if we went for the eye appointment. A whole day off? Just to go and sit in a chair and read some letters on a wall? Sign me up.

So, I went along. I sat in the chair. I read the letters on the wall. And I was told that it was nothing short of a miracle that I had arrived unaided without the use of a white stick. I was told I needed glasses, fast. Obviously, the glasses wouldn’t be ready to take home the same day, but I was instructed to view the various styles hanging on the wall nevertheless, to get an idea of which frames I might like. And do you know what? I didn’t have a clue where to begin.
If you need to choose new glasses and you don’t know where to begin either, this quick guide will help.
Selecting the right shape
Face shape is something that you feel will either be a compliment or a curse. The truth is that nobody knows which face shape is the “best”. Would you prefer a diamond face? Or perhaps a square face? Maybe a long face, more like a rugby ball than an orange? None of the descriptions sounds particularly appetising or flattering. However, new glasses needn’t be a hassle. New glasses are a positive thing. Why? Because new frames for your glasses give you the chance to contour and highlight your face in a way you never thought possible. The science behind the decision isn’t hard. Rounded face? Rectangular glasses can add definition. Accented cheekbones? Rounded frames can help soften your look. And you have to check the quality of glasses.
Selecting the right colour
There are two things you need to consider here. One is your fashion sense. The other is your complexion and hair colour. It’s a lot to balance but stick with me. The closer the colour that you choose is to a grey or a black or a brown shade of that colour, the greater the chance that your skin tone and hair colour and wardrobe will match. Natural hues for the win.