If you have been struggling to lose weight for a long time, you might need to blame your slow metabolism for the lack of results. If you are doing everything you can to shed the extra pounds, and still no results, you will need to work smarter and not harder. There are some easy and effective ways of boosting your metabolism, and you can improve the effectiveness of any diet by implementing small changes. Find out more about the most effective metabolism boosting methods below.
Morning Yoga:
Before you get dressed and jump in the car, you will need to stretch out your muscles and move your body about. At night, some of the muscles might have gone stiff, and you will need to make sure that they are in a good working order. Start every morning with a few Sun Salutations to start your metabolism. This will only take you a few minutes each day, but help you get more energy and a better joint alignment. At the same time, you can get your metabolism started the right way.

Avocados are full of good fat, and – with moderation – they will help your metabolism to work properly. When you eat avocados, your body will get loads of antioxidants it needs to process food and break down fat. At the same time, some of the minerals in avocado, such as Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, and Zinc will help your digestive system work at its optimum level. The natural fatty acids, such as Omega 3 and 6 will protect you from illnesses, by strengthening your immune system. This means you will get a better digestion every time you eat avocados.
Fruit for Breakfast:

Fruits have antioxidants, which can boost your energy levels and metabolism at the same time. If you start your day with fresh fruit, you can have more energy throughout the day. You will, however, need to make sure that you are consuming enough fiber, and slow release carbs. Bananas are great, but tomatoes and oranges might contain too much fruit sugar, so you need to find the right balance. Even though fruit sugar is better than processed white sugar, you still need to consume it in moderation.
Exhaust Your Muscles:

Every now and then, you will need to exhaust your muscles to get your metabolism optimized. The good news is that a few minutes of vigorous exercise can do the job, and help you burn more fat. You might not want to attend a cardio class every night, but once a week can help you lose more weight and optimize your digestion. Doing that “chair pose” or the “plank” for an extra few minutes will not do any harm, and you will feel the benefits for days.
Coffee or Tea with No Sugar:

Caffeine – surprisingly – is a helpful antioxidant in moderation. Drinking coffee can help you boost your metabolism in the morning. If you don’t like coffee, you can try black tea. The healthiest alternative is green tea, as it contains slow release caffeine, and this means you get more energy and improved metabolism for several hours after you consume it. If you don’t like the taste of green tea, you can add some honey and lemon, but white sugar is a no-no.
Drinking More Water:

If you want to optimize and help your digestive system, you might want to start drinking more water throughout the day. 6-8 glasses will be enough, but make sure that you are getting plain water, instead of juices or sugary drinks. To maximize the benefits of your new water drinking routine, you might want to get a water filter that will get rid of the toxic chemicals and residues in your tap water. When you are on a shake that weight diet, you will need to ensure that you are getting enough water on top of your nutritious protein shakes.
Add a Bit of Spice:

If you want to burn more fat in less time, you could add some more spice to your diet. From chili peppers to anise seeds and ginger; there are plenty of options. Garlic is a natural antibiotic, so next time you make a delicious chicken breast, rub some in. Cayenne pepper and black pepper can also help boost your metabolism in moderation. Celery and green peppers are great for spicing up your salad in the day.
Sleeping More:

You might want to get in the routine of sleeping more. Your body will be operating at a lower efficiency when you are tired, and this means that it will crave comfort food. Sleeping one extra hour a day in the afternoon can boost your energy level and improve your hormonal balance. Your hormones are related to your digestive system and your thyroid, therefore, you want to make sure that you have healthy sleeping habits, and you allow your body to rest.
HIIT Every Now and Then:
While you might not be the queen of the gym, you will sometimes have to take your exercise to the next level. Doing yoga every day is a good way of keeping fit, but exhausting your muscles and increasing your blood pressure, heart rate can bring added benefits. You will not only benefit from improved energy levels, but also protect yourself from heart and cardiovascular diseases. High intensity interval training, combined with yoga can build strength, agility, and even improve your balance.
If you have been struggling to lose weight, you might want to start supporting your metabolic system to process food and break down fat better. The above ways of boosting your energy level and digestion can help you achieve your weight loss goals faster, while improving your health and wellbeing. Change one thing at a time, and introduce changes gradually. Choose the food and drinks that you enjoy, and try to think outside of the box when planning your weekly exercise routine. Aiding your metabolism by drinking more water, taking in added antioxidants will help you feel and look younger.