The Ultimate List of Family Bonding Activities

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

18 thoughts on “The Ultimate List of Family Bonding Activities”

  1. We have movie nights all the time, and we love them. It’s one of the few times we’re able to decompress and just be with each other.

  2. We make sure we have dinner as a family at least 4 times a week. It can be hard with scheduling, but it makes the family unit so much stronger.

  3. This is a great list of family activities. At least twice a month we do a movie marathon on Saturday night. We also love to go bowling as a family activity.

  4. These are all fun suggestions that seem perfect for families. We may be busy, but we make it a point to eat dinner together every evening and I often find it to be my favorite part of the day.

  5. These are great family bonding activities. We love to have a game night. Now that the kids are older we end up playing WII sports.

  6. This is a great list! I always love trying new activities with the kids! I would love to discuss with them which one should we try first. 😀

  7. We haven’t had a family game night in forever! Your picks look like some fun ones! Thank you for the friendly reminder to make time for this!

  8. Family bonding really needs to be a priority. The most treasured memories for my family still to this day are the things we did together as a family. We learned to treasure “snow days” as it meant we would be spending the day together in family activity such as games, movies, and sledding. We also play music together as a family and have maintained our close relationships into adulthood.

  9. There is nothing like family time, and its nice to just do the simple things. Movies, board games…its a great reminder to step back and enjoy your family.

  10. This is a great post. Family time can get lost in the shuffle with our busy lives these days and with so much “Screen time”. These are great ideas!

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