Home Office Setup Guide: The Best Fuel to Gear Working at Home

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

16 thoughts on “Home Office Setup Guide: The Best Fuel to Gear Working at Home”

  1. I work from my sofa. I have my electric throw blanket, the seat reclines and my laptop completes it 🙂

  2. These are great tips. You need a comfortable space to be productive. And if you can get the family to leave you alone, that’s even better! LOL

  3. I need to have my own space in order to get any work done. I love my family, but they make work impossible.

  4. I dream of having even a tiny little space where I can sit quietly and be alone with my thoughts and my laptop. I may be able to write a bestseller if I had the space and the time to do it. 🙂

  5. When my kids moved out I was finally able to carve out some space for my home office. It’s really nice to have space dedicated to work.

  6. One day I hope to have a home office space. For now, it’s in the living room so I can work while being present for the family.

  7. I had to carve out my space in the family room. It was weird at first but I have actually come to like it.

  8. These tips are so on point! Truth be told I am still working on training my family and could completely use some guidance–so thank you for the tips!

  9. It’s important for me to have a home office because I don’t like the feeling of working in the kitchen or on my bed! It’s terrible and distracting. I love the tips that you have here!

  10. It’s really important to have your own office space at home. Especially for those who Stay at home mom like me.

  11. This is so important, and I should practice what I preach because I don’t have one! My work stuff is everywhere and really need to find a space that is my own!

  12. I’m happy with my new space in our home. I’m in love with it and I would love to share it soon.

  13. My husband was quick to let me have my own space and there was no training needed. I’m glad he knows how important it is to me!

  14. Great tips, and practical to boot too. The later challenges will be with your family members and their needs. Having that separate space as you mentioned really works to get out of it all while still maintaining a 10-20 second difference between that corner and your kitchen.

  15. You make a great point about respecting the space and leaving when your office hours are over. That will help you and your family take the office seriously especially if it happens to be in a common area.

  16. It’s so great that have an home office specially for the home based job and Privacy for the working hours

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