We Can All Thrive to Be Better

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Written By

NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

11 thoughts on “We Can All Thrive to Be Better”

  1. It is always a good reminder when you read something like this. I think it motivates people to get up again and try again past mistakes is just that, past mistakes! The future can always be different! Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I’ll take you up on that challenge and reach out. Let’s hope they’re adult enough to reciprocate.

    1. Fingers crossed! It stinks when we reach out and only get hurt again … but I say if you still have hope — then try. Once hope is gone or you feel you must let go, sometimes we must. I hope this helps!

  3. Ohhh, I’d love to send this to someone who I care about that is unfortunately gone from my life. I’ve forgiven them, but I’d love it if they forgave me, too.

    1. I wrote it from the heart and in hopes that it would help others in the same way it helped me sort through some stuff. Glad you liked it and I hope it helps that person for you. We all change and most of us grow, be nice to see this write up help more people.

  4. I never make a mistake, only learn another lesson, and I love learning. Looking at life that way really helps me to not be so hard on myself.

    1. Yes. That is exactly how I look at it and it really helps me to grow as well as just be happy with who I am 🙂

  5. There is such negativity everywhere right now that it’s refreshing to read a blog post asking each of us to see the best in other people. It’s a great reminder for everyone. 🙂

  6. Great motivating post, we all need this from time to time. Learn from the past and move into the future positively.

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