Warning Signs Your Relationship Isn’t Going To Last

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

18 thoughts on “Warning Signs Your Relationship Isn’t Going To Last”

  1. As a young widow, I have to say that you will regret it if you don’t try to make it last. You don’t want to live with regrets when the other person is gone. You can’t be self-centered if you want a relationship to last.It is about a commitment, not a convenience.

  2. Being friends is key to establishing any real life-long fulfilling relationship. Also, having your own life outside of your relationship is extremely rewarding.

  3. My husband and I started as friends, being best friends and supporting each other is one of the most important assets to a long lasting relationship!

  4. These are great warning signs. I think the criticism is the most hurtful, but sometimes two people just don’t mesh right. I think it comes down to appropriate compromise and yes time apart so you enjoy your time together.

  5. My hubby of 23 years is my BFF. If you don’t have that your relationship is bound to fail.

  6. Being best friends with my husband always comes first. And realizing that when we argue that we are NOT enemies helps too

  7. You have to support and love each other and give each other grace. There’s always ways to make things work if both people are up for it.

  8. These are great warning signs to watch in a relationship but instead of righting your relationship off, use these to focus on where to work on your relationship. Criticism is very harmful and the one thing I have learned to do is ask God for help on how I respond to my husband and give me grace for the tough times instead of praying for God to change him. You can’t control the other person but you can control yourself.

  9. Yes, these are definitely some good signs that a relationship is in trouble. My husband and I lived in separate towns while we dated, due to each of us going to graduate school in different cities. In the end, I think this helped us be more appreciative of each other and also comfortable with doing our own things once-in-awhile. We just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. 🙂

  10. Great read! Establishing good communication skills, and friendship is super importantto building strong relationships

  11. Not being friends with your boyfriend is really a sign that your relationship won’t last.

  12. My bf is my best friend. I believe that the best way to save the relationship and avoid these warning signs is to talk. Always find ways to communicate with each other. It will make the relationship and friendship last longer. 🙂

  13. These are great tips! A lot of them I wish I would have known for previous relationships. Luckily, my husband and I make a pretty good team now and I’m pretty sure we’ll last 😉

  14. those are some great tips. My wife and I run our business together (HoneyTrek), so we are together about 23 hours a day….but somehow we make it work 🙂

    1. That’s awesome. I Just checked out your site and subscribed to your YouTube – Glad you stopped by. I really have to keep up with you two!

  15. Some great info here!!!! This is exactly why my first manage didn’t last. You have to have your own lives. Thankfully I’m remarried and this time around things are a million times
    Better! And we are both free to be ourselves

  16. Those truly are great warning signs and why would you want to be with someone who isn’t your friend?

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