5 Super Easy Ways to Make your Husband Swoon

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

20 thoughts on “5 Super Easy Ways to Make your Husband Swoon”

  1. I always say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Love all of your awesome ideas 🙂

  2. These are all so great! My husband would love any of these, but I think he might not recognize me if I offered to watch sports with him. LOL

  3. These are all great ideas. My husband is all about food and loves it when I make his favorite meatloaf.

  4. These are great tips. Nothing lets my husband know I love him like when I make a meatloaf. Especially because I don’t like meatloaf haha!

  5. Very good list of items, I think that making each other a priority every day helps keep the love alive!

  6. These are definitely some good ideas! It’s important for partners to do nice things like these for each other.

  7. Sounds like a great collection of ideas for bringing a little romance back in. It can be hard when kids and schedules are involved, but it’s so important to stay connected.

  8. Oh, thanks for this article. I need to show this to my wife, just so she will be reminded. Lol

  9. I will try to watch my husband’s favorite sports and will try also to go with him if he will watch it live. Thanks for the tips.

  10. My husband and I keep things simple, which has worked well for us. Even a sweet random phone call or text can brighten our day.

  11. I think if I touched my husband and gave him a rub he would swoon for sure. I admit, I am pretty bad about physical interaction.

  12. I do think we all love for someone we care about to care about what it important to us. Certainly getting on board for favorite sports and activities develops deeper bonds.

  13. After being married almost 20 years, I need some ideas to spoil my husband. He could use a good swoon lol

  14. I love to make my husband swoon! 🙂 He’s a huge fan of quality time and loves it when we take long walks together and just talk about life!

  15. It is important to make the mister feel loved. And vice versa. 🙂 Good tips here, it’s often the little things we do that make each other happiest.

  16. I love food and neck messages! I think it’s important to know your spouse’s love language and speak it often.

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