What is Cyber Cheating? – A Gruesome Act Which Spoils Your Family Relations

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

19 thoughts on “What is Cyber Cheating? – A Gruesome Act Which Spoils Your Family Relations”

  1. Thank you for writing this! I think our society has become so complacent about things like this because “well it’s only online” has turned into “it’s normal, everyone does it” therefore it must not be wrong.

  2. I’m glad you cleared up what cyber cheating really is. It’s not harmless and can damage a marriage or relationship as much as for-real cheating. I think it’s disgusting.

  3. Cyber cheating is absolutely a real thing. When you make any sort of physical or emotional connection that would be reserved for your mate, YOU ARE CHEATING!

  4. It’s so important to make sure both parties in a relationship are on the same page, regarding inappropriate behavior. As long as everyone understands each other, there will be harmony!

  5. I have seen this destroy more than one marriage. A relationship needs to be valued even in the cyber arena.

  6. I have heard of several relationships destroyed by cyber cheating. The Internet is great, but it allows us to act on our negative desires.

  7. It’s sad when one person doesn’t realize the damage they are doing to their relationship because they don’t think it’s “real”. Feeling are real whether it’s in real life or online.

  8. I can definitely see how this would be damaging to a relationship. It’s a good idea to talk about these boundaries with your partner.

  9. I’d never really thought about what cyber cheating is but I can see how it could hurt a relationship. I think the internet is good in so many ways but can cause hurt in so many others.

  10. Ugh. Cyber Cheating is REAL and happens every day. It definitely is another worry for couples as they navigate through life. It’s completely uncalled for, in my opinion, and I would consider Cyber Cheating just as real as actual cheating.

  11. As long as both husband and wife are in a healthy relationship with one another hopefully this won’t be such an issue. I think it is a problem that is growing every year.

  12. This is a great post on cyber cheating. It really can affect a relationship if you our your partner are doing it behind the others back. This is something that you have to be on the same page for if you want to stay together. Thanks for sharing the information.

  13. Great post. I’ve never really thought of this before but cyber cheating is still cheating! I have very strong opinions on cheating so this would fall into that too. You have to agree with your spouse on this kind of thing and thankfully we do!

  14. Thanks so much for sharing this great post! Cyber cheating happens a lot and it’s really sad.

  15. Cyber cheating is real and end many relationships. people seem to lose control on social media and think they will never be caught.

  16. Very interesting perspective and topic today! I agree that it’s a problem if people aren’t recognizing this is a form of cheating today and it’s only going to become more common with the way the world is shifting.

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