Blended Family Poems for Weddings

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

23 thoughts on “Blended Family Poems for Weddings”

  1. I love the Dr. Seuss poem! His style perfectly captures the combination of seriousness and goofiness of family, and that’s something that’s perfect for a blended situation.

  2. These are great! I grew up in a blended family and these sayings are all so true. You don’t have to be related by blood to love each other 🙂

  3. Those are very sweet ways to express how you feel about your new family. The Dr. Seuss is perfect for a fun-loving family like mine.

  4. Those quotes are perfect for the occasion. I particularly like ““Family means putting your arms each other and being there.”

  5. I love the Dr Suess poem and it is so very true for all different people joining together I think. x

  6. We actually did a sand ceremony and wrote our own vows to acknowledge the blending of my husband’s children into our marriage. This is wonderful for others – I know someitmes it’s hard to find ideas!

  7. I’ll be heading to a wedding in a few weeks. These are such cute poems for weddings. I love the Dr. Seuss ones!

  8. So nice! Very good idea, I haven’t been to a wedding in quite some time but this is such a great idea when families are joined together!

  9. I love this!! I know quite a few blended families this would be perfect for them for a wedding!

  10. Great wedding quotes – I especially love the Dr. Seuss quote – we are all a little bit weird 🙂

  11. only dr. seuss could come up with the perfect poem. We may not think it but we are all weird in some way, finding others makes life all the more interesting in my opinion.

  12. The blending family poems to make the vows is indeed a great idea. This I would have loved to do when I got married. Thanks for sharing the idea.

  13. Dr. Seuss is my favorite and always seems to fit any occasion 😉 I’m from a blended family and always working on how best to keep everyone incorporated and feeling important.

  14. Great quotes for blended family. I like the other quotes but I like the Dr. Seuss quote better. It sums up everyone in the world – we are all a little weird.

  15. These are excellent quotes. We are a blended family. I am so thankful my husband took my older kids under his wing. Their real dad isn’t in the picture at all. It’s so sad.

  16. ahhhh Dr. Steuss. I have noticed that a lot if not all of Dr.Steuss’s sayings can be used in adult and loving situations.

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