Drinking to Excess: Do You Have a Bad Habit or a Full-Blown Addiction?

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

17 thoughts on “Drinking to Excess: Do You Have a Bad Habit or a Full-Blown Addiction?”

  1. While I don’t have an addiction I know a few people who do and it’s so sad. It has broken up a lot of relationships. I tend to drink when I’m stressed, but nothing really hard, but I think I need to find a different way to relieve stress before it gets out of control.

  2. Before I got pregnant, we definitely enjoyed having a fun night out of the week, but we never really get out of hand. I can definitely see how this post could be beneficial to someone who is struggling.

  3. Drinking to excess is definitely a problem in today’s society. While I’m not much of a drinker myself (I enjoy a good cocktail on occasion), I know quite a few people who drink to excess.

  4. My grandfather was addicted to alcohol so I made a decision years ago to just say no to alcohol. I saw the problems it caused in my grandpa’s life and I didn’t want to carry on that tradition.

  5. Addictions are tough. Thank you for sharing these reminders; good information for all of us whether we struggle with alcohol or not.

  6. I have known several people who have a bad relationship with alcohol. I don’t drink often- if at all- partly because I would not want to be addicted.

  7. Addiction is scary no matter how it starts. I am so thankful to be healthy and not addicted to anything.

  8. Alcoholism is such a sad disease. It not only affects the person with the problem, but the whole family.

  9. I have seen many people suffer with alcoholism and it is such a consuming disease. Noticing all the signs of addiction early can however change the outcome.

  10. I enjoy a drink every once and a while but it has never been a huge interest of mine. It is scary seeing someone deteriorate from their drinking addictions.

  11. I think this is a hard topic but something that is very important to address. This is not something I have had to deal with personally but I have seen the heartache it has caused for others. Thanks for sharing such great information.

  12. It’s very sad to watch someone drinking themselves to death and not being able to overcome the addiction on their own. Hopefully this post can help some people.

  13. I couldn’t imagine, I know this disease a very real thing. I know this can help so many people!

  14. My neighbor is an alcoholic and she lost her kids and so many jobs. She doesn’t have the want to quit nor the will-power and I don’t know how to help her until she’s ready to help herself.

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