The Pros and Cons of Feeding off Other People’s Energy

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

11 thoughts on “The Pros and Cons of Feeding off Other People’s Energy”

  1. I’m not sure I feed off energy as much as I tend to exude it for others. I tend to be a high energy individual and I always try to look at the bright side, or inspire!

  2. I’m not sure I feed off other people’s energy. I tend to feel super drained being around a lot of people. I am good around smaller groups and can be more creative and feel good. I think for me it always depends on who is around me and the size of the group.

  3. I think sometimes feeding off of somebody else’s energy works really really well. It motivates me to get out there, but I really don’t feel like it. But there is a good point there of the concert you mentioned.

  4. This is a great post and conversation to have, sometimes people can suck all of your good energy away for sure.

  5. I have had to stop spending a lot of time with people that have a negative outlook on just about everything. I find myself dreading it when I know I’m going to see them. On the other hand, I look forward to seeing positive people. Other people’s attitudes definitely effect my mood.

  6. I’m not sure about myself, but I have notice my husband feeds off the energy of others. He could be so drained at home, but when we go over to a friend’s house for a get together, he’s so energetic and is the life of the party. He is so happy afterwards, and it’s great to see after a long week.

  7. Positivity is the key to it all for me. I feed of off others energy in certain settings and try to always surround myself with positive.

  8. I’m on the same page with Lisa. I am also a believer of being positive. I find that others feed off my energy.

  9. I totally feed off others energy! I can’t be around grumpy people or I’ll end up grumpy and that’s never fun.

  10. I have fed off people’s energy before but then I have found it hard to rely on my own. I need a happy balance of motivation from others and within myself.

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