In honor of human beings everywhere, today we will discuss how you can become a positive thinker with a few easy changes to your lifestyle. The overall gist to becoming a positive thinker and leading a positive lifestyle is to really dig deep within your mind, analyze why negative thoughts surface and work towards redirecting when that negative attitude comes to a head. The most difficult part of learning to create a positive lifestyle is that effort you put forth in the beginning, you may find yourself drained, unable to continue on with this exercise but I am asking that you give this change your full focus and dedication for at least a year before you wave the white flag to give up.
Positive Quotes to Inspire
“You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot–it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.” Maya Angelou

“I like to encourage people to realize that any action is a good action if it’s proactive and there is positive intent behind it.” Michael J. Fox
How can I become a Positive Thinker
Let’s discuss the two positive quotes listed above, first we will talk about Maya Angelou who was an American Poet, civil activist and went on to publish seven autobiographies. Born in 1928 and living life until the year 2014 you will find that many positive quotes online are derived from her mouth. In this quote that I shared, Maya is letting us know that we are what we have been through; every moment you have had from a minute ago backwards can sum up what is called past experiences. There is not one person on this planet who hasn’t had bad past experiences, it’s just part of the growth process in our culture.
You have a choice to take the past experiences and develop a negative attitude or a positive attitude, you choose to make those past experiences define you as a negative person or use those experiences as a learning tool to grow beyond what life has handed you. Choosing the latter makes more sense, after all when you become a positive thinker your life becomes such a joy. Learn to use the past experiences to influence you towards the positive thinking mentality so that you can live a positive lifestyle. Think about past experiences and how you can transform those into something positive, I firmly believe no matter what bad has happened to anyone, they have the power to rise above and turn it into something positive.

Why Start To Be More Proactive in Positive Thinking
Being proactive means that nothing will take you off guard, once you master the skill of being aware of every possible outcome for every scenario in your life you start to feel less anxious, negative thoughts dissipate naturally and calmness overcomes your whole being. Any action that is taken as a means to be proactive is a positive lifestyle move, start training your mind to be prepared with a positive response to any possible outcome. There is a big difference between allowing the “what ifs” to consume you, a negative attitude action and learning to say “what will I do, if”. Simply transforming the thought pattern to what you will do if versus what if will automatically start generating positive thoughts into your mind.
A proactive person will 9 times out of 10 start leading a positive lifestyle naturally because they have learned to accept that challenges will arise in life, they have learned to accept that not everything will go as they had envisioned and they are perfectly okay with that. Positive thinking means that you have a hold on reality versus fantasy, think about every what if encounter you have had;
How did those thoughts make you feel?
What was it that you did when what ifs conquered your mind?
I am betting a negative attitude combined with high levels of anxiety consumed your mind when you allowed those what ifs to sneak in, don’t be hard on yourself. Every positive thinker has moments where anxiety and the question of life as we know it enters their mind, but the difference is that people who have learned positive thinking skills are able to quickly transform their thought patterns from negative to positive in record time. As Michael J Fox stated in the quote above, any action that is one of being proactive in nature combined with having a positive intent is a good action. Learn to have that kind of action consistently in your life.

Okay, so How Can I Become a Positive Thinker
Start today by using positive quotes and positive affirmations written down in a journal or typed on a document and printed for you to read every morning. Make sure that you start each day off on the right foot, force yourself to smile at your partner, sing a good morning song and walk with a skip in your stride. When you first start to climb this rocky ledge to a positive lifestyle, all that matters is that you start each day with the attempt to make today better than yesterday and each new day you wake feeling grateful for all that you do have in life. Maintain a positive attitude that everything will be great today and indeed everything will be great for you!
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This is a great post. Positive thinking is important, but you really have to train yourself to do it.
We live in a world of stress and pessimistic people. I do believe quotes and positive affirmations can shift your energy and change your mood to where you can be a positive thinker on a regular basis!
This is such an important post. You have to consciously make an effort to be positive. I sometimes think that the human condition is to default to negativity.
I have to admit I’m not much of a positive thinker – it is something I need to get better at.
It can be hard for me to be positive. I definitely need to try harder at it.
I will never forget what one of my old boyfriends used to tell me – he was a teacher and told this to his students too. “Pick your attitude.” It always stuck with me even when I want to get upset over something whether valid or not. It can change a situation around like THAT!
I like to think that I am a positive thinker. My husband is not, though, and it drives me insane. He doesn’t trust easily, and that leads to a lot of his negative thoughts. I think he could really benefit from this article.
There is a lot of good information here; I have book-marked it to show my husband. I did here that in 2007, they discovered that a person CAN physically change their brain based on learning new behaviors and attitudes and of course, learning in general.
This is really great. I think I am a pretty good positive thinker. I don’t see any point in being a downer or being around those who are.
I’ve been reading so much on being positive. I don’t know why it is so hard to maintain a positive attitude and outlook but I’m going to keep trying. Thanks for the tips.
These are very helpful tips. I don’t know why it s so easy for us to think negative right away.
I am taught that being positive is a part of healing and losing weight. It is easy to think negative though lol.
I think a big part of this is deciding to be a positive thinker and realizing why one finds themself to not be. Surrounding myself with positive people too is becoming more and more important. Even if I’m a positive thinker being around people who are negative is like having an anchor attached to your mind.
I’m a huge fan of positive thinking! I drive my kids crazy because when they say things like “I can’t do that” I always go make them stand in front of the mirror and repeat “I can do that” repeatedly and I also make them say it like they mean it. It really has made a huge difference in their positive thinking!
I try to start my day thinking of all the blessings i have. I always try to look at the bright side of things.
Quotes are definitely my way of being motivated and inspired. It helps me avoid rash decisions and emotional outbursts.
I hear you there, I have a quote app and I read the positive quotes each morning as well as night!