Double The Fun: 4 Ideas for Fun Double Dates

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

17 thoughts on “Double The Fun: 4 Ideas for Fun Double Dates”

  1. My wife and I (when we double-date) love game night. We go to the local board game shop and they have a room in the back where you can try out the various games they have in stock and play together. It makes for some of the best double dates in the world!

  2. We love all of these ideas. There is nothing like curling up on the couch with Hubby and just enjoying a quiet evening together. But, that being said, a good night of competitive bowling is also fun! LOL

  3. These are great double date ideas! Roller Skating is one of our faves to do with one of our couple friends!

  4. Love these date night ideas!! My husband and I always try think outside the box for a fun date night, even better when we go with friends.

  5. Wonderful ideas. I haven’t gone on a date night with my hubby in years. We’ve done the inside at home thing and I’m hoping before summer we can get out!

  6. Great ideas!! My kids were only allowed to double date until they were of an age their dad and I had decided on. Our daughter and her boyfriend ended up taking both their younger brothers as the double on more dates than not. Ha! I think they thought I’d give in but I didn’t and the little brothers always had a blast. 😉

  7. I bet bowling would be a blast! I haven’t been in forever. I’ll have to mention these ideas to my husband and see if any of our friends want to go out for a fun double date.

  8. when i lived in michigan me and my friends would double date all the time and it would be so much fun. you have some great ideas here. thanks for sharing.

  9. I’ve only ever been on one official double date, ever. LOL, other times it’s just good friends hanging out. These are great ideas.

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