Long time visitors knew that I had taken on a job outside of the home as an administrative assistant and boy did I love that job for about six months. The change that happened from six months forward was completely unpredictable, between health issues to kid issues to just feeling as though I could do better than what I was doing. The calculation of my take home pay from this job was nowhere near what I was making when working from home, yet I hadn’t put effort into my work from home business in a very long time – could I make it? Would I be able to go back to doing what I am most passionate about? Would I succeed?
Those are all questions that get into your mind when you are making any big financial decision; I have the largest sum of rent due than ever in my 34 years of life. I made a commitment and a promise to the owners of this home to make sure rent is paid, home is taken care of and that they never have to hear about their home being taken for granted. Would I be able to keep the promise to them if I came home full time again? Yes. Yes I could and I have.
I honestly had no clue what the hustle for online work would get me, I had no clue that when I switched from employee to work from home mom that my income would be so substantial, but I made $2500 working from home in one month! Today, my mission is to share with you the way I hustled to make this $2500 in one month working from home in hopes to provide you with some inspiration on how anyone can use their skills to be successful making money online.
Content Writing – Ghost Writing Services
In late February I started offering ghost writing services where I listed content for sale in various Facebook Groups that were created to sell recipes, basic SEO articles and more to bloggers. Without realizing it I had quickly grown a customer base that kept increasing. With returning and new customers my monthly client sales rose and content writing quickly became over half of my month income this past month. You can easily start content writing and selling it when you sign up for content selling groups on Facebook or setup your own self hosted website to service customers in a timely fashion. I currently have my Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant site under construction to offer a faster way for clients to purchase content in bulk.
Build a Blog – Write Your Own Content
In December 2008 I switched over to blogging for a living with hopes, dreams and aspirations to make a living online with blogging. After time has passed and blogging has evolved I continue to make an average of $100 per week with my HappilyBlended.com blog but also have since added Blast My Blog and a couple other blogs in the building stages. While $100 per week isn’t a huge success story, take into consideration I left my blog work to be a full time then part time employee which really made Happily Blended take a hit financially. Still, $100 a week calculates out to $400 a month in extra revenue and if you know me, I believe in your success story having multiple streams of revenue.

Blog Assistance – Social Share Threads
A service I added to my portfolio this past month was blog assistance. There are so many bloggers out there who need help, they are thriving and with that success requires the need for help in the area of social share threads. The social share threads also known as blog chore threads are groups in Facebook designated to gain more comments; RT’s, Likes and Pins on various social media channels. My prices range from $25 per week to over $100 per month depending upon the needs of the client and this area has accounted for approximately $500 of my revenue last month!

Direct Advertising – Sell Ad Space and Content
I have consistent ad space listed for sale on all of my websites, to date I have approximately 10 clients who I serve ads for with direct advertising. This is a mix of text links within old blog posts, guest blog posts to sidebar ad space. This accounts for approximately $1k annually towards my overall work from home income but increased substantially in the last month as a recurring residual income.
I honestly am shocked that I doubled my income in one month of returning home full time {compared to what I brought home with my office job} and I will continue on working hard to be dedicated, driven and focused towards servicing my client’s needs. Not only do I plan to keep the $2500 a month income, as I have an ongoing monthly contract with clients but I will also increase that value with returning customers because I have one mission in my work from home life – to keep customers satisfied so they return to me anytime they have a need in my area of expertise. In addition to building my own income with my services, I have virtually partnered up with my boyfriend who is a PHP Wizard and combined we are a force not to be reckoned with.
I have been wanting to do more freelance writing. Never considered ‘ghost writing’ but sounds like an interesting way to make some money…
I love being able to work from home it is a great way to be here for the kids. Ghost writing sounds like a great way to make money I have never considered that.
I worked outside of the home for many years. I work mostly from home now and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Always great to learn about work-from-home opportunities. Especially those that actually work!
Working from home can be a great way to earn money if you are smart about it. It sounds like you have really hit your groove.