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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

16 thoughts on “Worried, Anxious and Claustrophobic”

  1. oh, boy what a mess. But as you said “it’s livable and it’s ours”.
    Mold is not good. You should really think what to do with it…
    And yes, you need to take care of youself too. If you’re tired/angry etc. it affects the whole family in a small house.
    Take care!
    .-= BLOGitse´s last blog ..time to have fun! It’s an IMAGE QUESTION of the day – what’s this??? =-.

  2. It sounds like a really tough and frustrating situation you are living in. I used to live in an old home (built in early 1900’s) and it was very depressing when things weren’t working right and it was definitely cold and expensive to maintain.

    Is there any way at all to turn your basement into another living area of some kind for a getaway space? I hope you find a solution soon, take care!
    .-= Laurie´s last blog ..Christmas Equals Busy =-.

  3. My hubby and I put an addition onto our house (with money we didn’t have) just months before our daughter arrived. It was a HEADACHE and then some, in more ways than one, but having that extra room– where either of us could go now and then to get away from the other– was a GOD SEND. I know what you mean– sometimes, you just need your own space. I hope you figure out what works for you!

    .-= Elizabeth´s last blog .."Sick" Of Long, Lonely Nights: Working Mommy Wednesdays =-.

  4. I know exactly how you feel. I suffer from anxiety and we don’t have very much money and I have four children in an 800 square foot home. It stinks, but we can’t do anything about our situation right now. Just count your blessings and think about the less fortunate. A lot of families don’t have homes to go to this holiday season. No matter how anxious and claustrophobic I get I always think that it could be a lot worse. I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!
    .-= Cascia @ Healthy Moms´s last blog ..Twelve Days of Christmas Giveaway | Skin MD Shielding Lotion =-.

  5. First off – big huge hugs to you. But while my house isn’t small and I have lived in small houses, I understand. We have lived in houses that one way or another were pretty stressful. (Mice, No Water Pressure, Poorly Built – amongst a million other things) Each of those houses I stressed over. I felt like I couldn’t get it clean, or my kids couldn’t take a real bath or whatever it was and it DOES become overwhelming. So vent away hun! I totally understand!!!!
    .-= Brittany´s last blog ..A Child’s Serious Conversation =-.

  6. I found myself nodding through a lot of this – there are 4 of us (and 2 cats) in a very small (very small!) house, in which we are utilizing every inch and slowly (very slowly) fixing it up…But it can be awfully hard. Sigh. I know. I don’t tend to talk about the IRL stuff on my blogs but – yes. Most people I know IRL can’t relate to it, either.

    Virtual hugs to you!

    (and thanks for following me on Twitter, that is how I got here)
    .-= Lidian´s last blog ..A Surprising Wow =-.

  7. I hear you!! Our home is about 900 sq. feet. It officially has 2 br, but we used the playroom/ porch area as our bedroom when we first moved in. A couple of years later, we moved the kids into one room, after Alex calmed down a bit.

    My son had a lot of hyper-ness going on too, and as he got older we realized he was different. Turned out he was gifted. He also has crazy sensitivity to artificial dyes in foods. As soon as we started pooling all of our resources, books, everything.. things started getting easier.

    There are still times where I want to pull my hair out and run away, but then I realize that he’s not being occupied, or he’s insanely bored.. which is why he’s being mischievous, or teasing his sister, or bouncing across the house.

    If you want more info on some things I did with Alex, feel free to email me. <3
    .-= Lauren´s last blog ..Target Coupons- Save BIG! =-.

  8. I fell ya hun! Our home is small too and move an more it gets frustrating, but sadly we are in AZ and even though NOW we can afford a bigger house we could never sell this one! I have been saving to get a room addition. Our home needs repairs too all you can do is take one day at a time and it will work out, In the mean time vent away no one cant have a smile everyday all the time!
    .-= lisap´s last blog ..So you liked my Green Mountain Coffee Company review? Great now win some! =-.

  9. When things start to get me down, whether about finances or renovations that came to a screeching halt a few years back, or my daughter’s speech delay, I remember that many people don’t have a home at all. Although my child has some difficulties she is a healthy happy little girl. Unlike some americans this evening, I will give her dinner and tuck her into bed. I have much to be grateful for.
    .-= Robin G´s last blog ..How do You Give Back During the Holidays? =-.

  10. I know how you feel! I think your feelings are completely normal and its great that you realize those feelings. Now that you realize you should be able to cope better.

    You never know what the future holds. Things can chance overnight 🙂 Keep your head up and keep up the great work!
    .-= Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy´s last blog ..Friday Frenzy {Freebies, Surveys, Coupons} =-.

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