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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

6 thoughts on “Rising Costs Of Everything”

  1. We did this, we cut out our cable for a total of 9 years, yep 9 years. Did we miss it? At first yes but it was a hidden blessing for us.

    Now that we have it again, I do enjoy certain shows. At first I have to admit when we first got it back, I watched hours and hours of it BUT the thrill of having it again quickly wore off and I barely watch it now. I have some shows seasonally I enjoy but am not obsessed if I miss them.

    The long disconnect with cable did us good, if it wasn’t a luxury we got from where we live we still wouldn’t have it but it’s included so we will take it LOL.
    .-= chrissy´s last blog ..Rethinking Your Business – Part 2 =-.

  2. We still have cable, but we now have the most minimal service. We spend a lot less, and everyone watches less TV now that we no longer have a DVR and the expanded range of channels. We save about $60 a month, which isn’t a fortune but certainly adds up over the course of a year.

    It’s true that you need to be in agreement about where to cut costs. This change went through because cable ended up being a lower priority to my husband than some of the other things I suggested we cut back on.
    .-= Tina T´s last blog ..Rules of Relationships =-.

  3. I agree 100%, but if I cut the satellite dish expense my husband would snip my internet connection. Most of the shows he watches can be viewed online and he has a wide array of DVDs to keep him busy so I don’t see the big need for the extra cost. If it wasn’t for the kids watching their favorite shows I would try to convince him to get rid of it and use the savings towards more important things—like groceries and bills.
    .-= ahappyhippymom´s last blog Dress Up Pirate Toy Review =-.

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