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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

7 thoughts on “Setting a Work At Home Schedule…”

  1. Sounds like your off and running! Very enjoyable blog. Best wishes to you and god bless you child!
    Them little ones will keep you hopping!

  2. Great idea Brandy! I joined your group. I will try to vlog about this subject as soon as I can. I am still working on how to add the intro in Movie Maker. I am getting a crazy error when I try to upload the powerpoint intro & ending that I made. It came out so nice and I can’t use it! ugh.

    Anyway, Schedule is a tough thing for me. I try to work on my to do list and schedule on Sunday so I am all ready for Monday. But once Monday comes – there is always something that comes up – sick child, teething child, phone calls, emails, twitter (huge wonderful distraction LOL) – so I really need to figure out a better plan.

    I am getting overwhelmed and wind up staying up till 1 in the morning WORKING and that really screws me up for the next day. It is this never-ending crazy cycle.

    I look forward to hearing more how you manage your time as a WAHM!

    Dawn Papandrea-Khan’s last blog post..How to Overcome Worry

  3. I have got to save I love the new look of the blog. I’m envious. Are you using wordpress now? I could never figure it out. Who done your blog design you or did you have someone to. Anyhoo,I wanted to say That I try to keep a schedule too. I’m just a SAHM and not too awefully busy but,I still like things to go smoothly as posible

    Mary Beth Rogers’s last blog post..Please Pray for Allen

  4. […] recently wrote about working at home and setting a schedule, which is really hard to do. I asked many to respond and tell me how they work to set a schedule […]

  5. […] decided to write a Part 2, sort of an update on my original post regarding scheduling when you are a work at home mom or dad! I know I often refer to WAHM’s […]

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