Oh no! Your wife reminds you, at the end of the day, that it’s your parent’s anniversary tomorrow. How often have we completely forgotten a special occasion, and stressed over what to buy as a present, or how to celebrate when the loved one is far away? And you should prepare for the last minute of anniversary gift. Sure, there are online shops, but expedited shipping fees can be outrageous. And how can we really be sure the item will be something they even like?
1) Be Sure that You’re Sending Along the Right Thing?

Gift cards are the answer to this problem. If you’re in a time crunch, and you absolutely, need a gift right away, a gift card will put a big smile on the recipient’s face, even if you are not there to see it. Becoming increasingly popular, gift cards are the ‘gift of choice’ for most people, for a variety of reasons. You can surprise the new moms with these amazing baby gift ideas.
2) They Can Be Delivered Nearly Instantaneously

There is no need to wait for regular or expedited shipments from the manufacturer, and certainly no need to wait for a store to open. Gift cards can purchase on virtually any device, and with just a few clicks. They will be delivered to the gift recipient’s texts, or email inbox.
3) Don’t Select all Those Bad Gift that You’ve Made in the Past

Remember the fruit cakes and the ugly ties? You can put your bad gift giving choices away, because now you are armed with the best gift of them all. A gift card puts the power of choice in the hands of the gift recipient, where it should be! No more spending hour after hour, traveling from store to store, hoping that the perfect gift will spring out at you. These long distance gift ideas will help you a lot while your loved one especially is so far away from you. No exhaustion from clicking endlessly on the computer, trying to find ‘just that right item. A last minute of anniversary gift which will reach on time. Now, if they genuinely want an ugly tie, they can purchase one themselves!
4) Your Loved One Will Feel Remembered and Indulged

Whether they are 10 miles away, or 10,000, when you want to reach out and offer a bit of love and adoration to someone celebrating a special event. The instantaneous gift card will help show them – on time – how much you really care. No more “Happy Belated” messages are necessary with the convenience of a gift card.
5) The Celebrant Can Buy Virtually Anything Their Heart Desires

Gift buying can be difficult because the things that a person wants or needs are often deeply personal. They might hint that they’d like a bottle of wine for their birthday, when in reality, they’d really love to save up for their next getaway. Perhaps they secretly crave a trendy wine rack. A gift card puts the power and actual choice into the celebrant’s hands. So that they can channel the funds precisely toward the object or need which is wanted and pleasing.
6) You are in Total Control of Your Own Budget

You’ve brainstormed, and have an idea of what your gift recipient wants. You think you’ve found it, online, or in a brick-and-mortar store, but you’re not exactly sure. It might be the wrong color, or size, and it might not have additional features, in the model that you can afford. You can also give the baby gifts for moms at their anniversary. Not wanting to look cheap or thoughtless, you shell out more money for the upgraded version, to try and ensure the gift is one they’ll love.
A gift card allows you stay within the budget that you have set out for yourself. You are in total control of how much funding you’ll load the gift card with, thereby eliminating the need to feel that you have to ‘upsell’ yourself.
7) Virtually No Need for Returns

Remember those long post-Christmas lines at stores, you spent standing there for endless hours because a sweater didn’t fit right? Then, finding out at the end, that they sold out of the medium size you needed, an hour ago? With a gift card, returns, and all of the hassles that go along with them, are a thing of the past. Gift receivers never turn down monetary funds. In fact, if asked, they’ll likely request precisely the same thing for their next big occasion.
8) Super Easy to Wrap

If you do have the opportunity to deliver the present in person. Wrapping a gift card is about as easy as putting a letter into an envelope. Also you can make a gift box at home for wrapping purpose. People use wrapping paper at an astronomical rate, and because the wrap uses frequently in plastic. It’s not terribly environmentally friendly. You can easily place a gift card in a small box, a recycled handle bag. Wrap it in colorful tissue, or slip it inside a greeting card. And you can send them in last minute of anniversary gift.
Now you never have to worry about getting caught off guard again. Sure, the calendar is telling you that it’s your best friend’s birthday tomorrow, but that’s okay! No need to stress about what you’ll give him or her, because a gift card is easy, accessible, convenient, and virtually instantaneous.
My husband got me a special gift certificate (paper) for an anniversary sundial (a cool clock that uses the sun) and did both traditional and modern 1st anniversary gifts in one! I thought he was pretty clever doing that, but the sundial was wonderful – it is made of glass and sits on the window sill indoors in our family room, and it makes beautiful rainbows in the room whenever the sun shines. It also has a personalized date line that the time shadow follows on our anniversary day each year, and a special mark on that line that the shadow touches at the actual time that we got married, and if we are both home we drink a toast together when it happens. I don’t remember what it’s called but you can find it online with a search and get the certificate at the last minute, which my husband probably did – I thought it was a brilliant idea!