As time goes on, jobs that were once traditionally held by men, slowly become filled with more women. There are several reasons for this shift, including more women entering into higher education, the ability to obtain an education in new ways, and societal exceptions. But not every industry sees this change, and some experience the change faster than others. So which jobs are becoming more female? And on the opposite side of the coin, which jobs are becoming less female? Knowing the answer helps us to see something about the world we live in, and could even impact your own career choices.
Jobs That are Shifting Towards More Females
Dentists – As a whole, the healthcare industry is quickly becoming more female. Where once the more advanced jobs – like doctors and surgeons – were almost exclusively for men, more women are starting to claim the spots. This is easily apparent in Dentists jobs, which has seen a large increase in the number of women over the past several years. As more women begin to enter into healthcare related positions, the number of women working as dentists should grow as well. And while it’s still not a 50/50 split, the trend is certainly heading in that direction.
Veterinarians – It’s not only human healthcare that women are increasingly involved with. More women are becoming veterinarians, providing healthcare to pets and other animals. Just like more women have entered into the healthcare field to take care of people, many have branched off to work with animals, in a role that used to be just for men.
Agriculture – Finally, one area that has really seen an increase in the number of women performing jobs is agriculture. For centuries it was the role of the man to go out and work the fields, while the women stayed inside and worked in the home. There are now plenty of women in agriculture, so that this is no longer the case. Women work the fields, use the machinery, and take care of the livestock, putting aside any nothing that it is work only suitable for men.
Jobs That Are Becoming Less Female
Of course, as some industries start to see more women, others start to see less. In some cases this is because they were jobs typically held by women, and more men are starting to do them. In others, there are societal systems in place that make it hard for a women to get into the industry. Here are just 3 examples of industries that are becoming less female by the year.
Computer Operators – Even though this is a fairly new industry, it is still largely occupied by men, and that trend isn’t changing. Unfortunately, many women are discouraged from entering into computer-related fields, and as a result, the industry is mostly men. If we want to get more women into Computer Science related industries, we need to encourage them from a young age, and ensure they have access to all of the same opportunities as men. Computer operators are going to be around for a while, and it’s important that we work towards equality within this industry.
Models and Promoters – This profession, which used to be exclusively for women, is now taking on more men. And while it is still predominated by women, as more men enter into the field, the percentage continues to drop. This occupation is a great example of industries that are becoming less female, due to more men being willing to take what was once considered a “woman’s” job. As time goes on, expect to see even more men working as both models and promoters.
Radiation Therapists – Finally, going against the trend of more female workers within Healthcare, there are Radiation Therapists. While most other jobs within this industry have become more female, this one specific role has become less female. This is likely due to the fact that the role has mostly been dominated by women in the past, and now more men are enrolling in radiation therapy schools and entering the profession.
Industries Will Continue to Shift
As more women enter into new careers, and complete higher education programs, they pave the way for even more women to follow in their footsteps. The result is a snowball effect, with certain industries becoming more and more female by the year. At the same time, as women vacate some jobs, more men start to fill in the roles. What remains is an ever changing landscape – but one that is hopefully aiming towards more equality within the workforce for every gender. If you would like to read more about how certain industries are changing with respect to their gender composition, check out this article in the New York Times.
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