Twitter Marketing Made Easy with Retweet Chore Threads

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

36 thoughts on “Twitter Marketing Made Easy with Retweet Chore Threads”

  1. This is definitely interesting! I am going to check this out right now. Anything that can save a little time yet be more effective for exposure is a great thing! Thanks!

  2. I just finished quite a few twitter threads this morning, so I am definitely going to be trying this out!

    1. This really is a great system to save time with Twitter threads. We added a new feature to space out tweets and here is the video on that: Once you view it, you should try this even just for a month to see how much time it saves you or your VA. Sign up at It may not look pretty but it is 100% functional and people are raving about it.

  3. This sounds like a very helpful service. I know a lot of people that can benefit from this, I will be passing this along!

    1. HI Janell, please do pass it along. It has helped so many thus far and we are getting great feedback. Glad you left a comment, hope you try it out or at least share with those who do Twitter threads to try it. We added a new feature last night too, you can space out tweets – see video here:

  4. I am so excited about this? I rewatched the video and can’t remember, can you space out the retweets so they aren’t all sent at once?

    1. Hi Crystal,

      You couldn’t space out tweets but now we added that feature. Our current members and those not on the system yet stated they really would sign up or like to see a trickle feature. WE added it! Here’s the video on how that works to space out tweets: You can sign up up for $10 a month to try it and see how it helps you here: I have found many sign up for $10 then email us wanting the annual at $100. I hope you try it and see how much it can help save time (and in turn money) when it comes to RT chore threads!

    1. I am not sure if you have a VA or if you complete Twitter chore threads. If you do? This saves you so much time. As a blogger and VA myself this was created by my boyfriend to help save time — we never realized so many others would want to sign up and be in the system. It’s hitting it off pretty quickly. We just added a new feature too, where you can trickle out Retweets so as to not slam Twitter all at once, here’s the video about it:

  5. This sounds like a really great service. I have found I don’t have much ROI when I use Twitter, so I rarely do RT threads.

    1. That makes sense. I know many who have a huge ROI with RT threads and so this was created with them in mind. If you find your ROI with Twitter ever returns, keep us in mind!

  6. This sounds amazing. i would love to give it a try. I think its actually a really brilliant idea and have no doubt it will take off and do great!

    1. Hi Jeanine,

      Thanks for the comment! Check out the new feature we added last night – It’s easy to sign up at and for just $10 per month, we have found users sign up to test it out and come back asking to do the annual. It just saves so much time and it is a really great productivity tool for bloggers and VA’s who do RT chore threads.

  7. I need to look into this. I use a lot of retweet threads. It can get time consuming and monotonous. This might be a viable option for me.

    1. Hi Dawn! I really have seen many VA’s and bloggers get in on our system and enjoy it. It frees up time tremendously and we just added a new feature last night – See this video about what we added: You can sign up at 🙂 We are behind the scenes with much support too, if there are any questions you just reach out and we are right there to help (unless it’s sleep time that is)

    1. That is what we are finding, many VA’s (like myself) have started using this system to help save time and thus lets them do more for you! We have at least two VA’s in the system now who have been raving about this system!

    1. If you partake in or hire a virtual assistant to complete retweet chore threads for you – this is a great way to save time on those threads. You can sign up now at We are accepting more beta members in at our $10 per month or $100 annual for a brief period. We haven’t capped out yet, but will soon.

  8. I see the convenience this would provide, however, I still feel that I enjoy reading Twitter posts before I go ahead and retweet it. I think a lot of people would benefit from this service. Honestly, I still would want my social media interaction to be a personal thing.

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