Tech Devices Every New Parent Must Own

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

21 thoughts on “Tech Devices Every New Parent Must Own”

  1. Wow, some of these on the list are just crazy! In just a few short years, the world of technology has truly changed things! I wish I had that cry translator! haha

  2. A pacifier thermometer? What will they think of next. That is my top pick form your list. It’s so much easier on both mom and baby to use that than the traditional way.

  3. These all sound like great products. I would of loved to have had the Pосkit Strоllеr when my son was little.

  4. Love all the new technologies to help parents. I’m so amazed by the advancement and it’s nice to see my friends who are parents that are at ease because of the tech nowadays!

  5. Sounds like some pretty awesome devices are on the market today. It makes you wonder how our parents and grandparents survived without this stuff LOL 😉

  6. Wow, I can’t believe all of these amazing things that are available for babies nowadays. We just really had to wing it when my girls were little lol

  7. Aww… we missed out on that cry translator! My grandson is 9 months old and is babbling words like “Emmm” (which means milk) “Amamam” (food) and “Wawam” (bedtime music – he listens to Mozart and Bach Cello). The Pockit stroller would be nice to have for those short day trips to the park or for visiting relatives.

  8. Some of these on the list are pretty awesome! They would definitely be handy for a first time mother!

  9. The pacifier thermometer is such a great idea! I remember the days of how hard it was to get those little ones to sit still while the temperature was being taken. Love all of the products that are so readily available for little ones these days.

  10. This is an awesome list, gives me a lot of ideas. The Pockit stroller sounds very convenient and the infant cries translator is really intriguing.

  11. These all sound so awesome and they will definitely make your life so much easier! I think it’s great to have a breast pump especially if you’re a working mom. It’s good to have breastmilk ready for the baby at all times.

  12. These are great products for new Moms. I will have to get a Bаbу Shuѕhеr for my friend. She just found out she is having twins.

  13. Out of all these great things for babies, that app got me interested the most. I wonder how it decodes, since if there’s a way to know what the baby needs then there surely is a manual for it.

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