Loving Comforts: Tending to a Sick Friend or Family Member in the Hospital

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

11 thoughts on “Loving Comforts: Tending to a Sick Friend or Family Member in the Hospital”

  1. Thankfully I’ve had limited experience with family members in the hospital. My dad was in the ICU for a week and it felt like forever! I can only imagine how hard it was for him.

  2. I’ve not had any experience with this yet, and I am so thankful. These are great tips and a great post.

  3. Washing your hands is so important when visiting or caring for someone in the hospital. I had to remind everyone of that when they visited me after I gave birth.

  4. These are great recommendations. I have a 13-year-old niece who is on her third bout of Leukemia. She lives about an hour away but sometimes gets admitted to the hospital here in the city. I never go up there without checking first, and I always try to take her crafting stuff and her favorite snacks to help keep her occupied and try to brighten her spirits.

  5. This is all great advice!! Sometimes it can be overwhelming when someone is in the hospital to remember the basic things for them while they are in the hospital.

  6. You mentioned some great things. What I think is that people should understand a patient psychology. A patient or his or her family do not need financial support, they require emotional support. Standing by them for a few minute and supporting them is what they need. Most of the us usually say “we don’t have time for such thing or I cannot see my friend or relative like this; that is why I am not going”. These statements are also lethargic. Well, I should not include another tangent in this post. All the points you have written are so crucial and extremely important. Great recommendations.

  7. Such a good advice! It’s really important to have your own hygiene especially whn you’re in or working at hospitals.

  8. These are very good tips for folks to keep in mind when they are planning a hospital visit, One more thing I’ll add is to stay way if you have a cold or are feeling unwell.

  9. Great post! I never thought about not wearing perfume – good point there especially!

  10. I never thought about the perfume part of it, but I always wash hands and try to bring something to cheer people up!

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