7 Tips for Organizing Your Tea Towels and Other Kitchen Materials

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

16 thoughts on “7 Tips for Organizing Your Tea Towels and Other Kitchen Materials”

  1. My house may be a mess but I have to have my linen closet and kitchen drawers and cabinets very organized lol

  2. I like the idea of using clear containers to organize things in the kitchen. Proper storage containers can make a cabinet or pantry much easier to navigate.

  3. I have at least two tea towels working at all times. I use them and wash them everyday. So many messes to clean!

  4. I use my kitchen so much that it seems to be unorganized as soon as I organize it! haha Great ideas!

  5. Ah, this is really good advice. My current system is just to stuff them into the towel drawer. It’s not pretty!

  6. I am very good about keeping my towels and other linen types organized and often, even color coded. It’s the other parts of my house which could use some better organization.

  7. These are great kitchen tips! I’ll definitely try tip #5! I guess our kitchen needs a little renovation, 😉

  8. We don’t have a ton of storage in our kitchen, so it’s really important for me to stay organized. It’s probably time for me to take everything out & reassess.

  9. I believe I might add my own tip for myself there which is to have enough space and lessen impulse buying in the first place, hah! Grouping similar items is an invaluable tip though, it really saves time.

  10. I have lots of kitchen towels at home and I hate it when I see them cluttering. These are very helpful tips!

  11. I keep the lids and containers together too. Otherwise the romance fizzles and they never meet up with each other again. 😉

  12. I really need to get my kitchen together. It’s not nearly as organized as it should be. Thanks for the motivation!

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