Why I Don’t Mind a Kid-Free Mother’s Day

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

20 thoughts on “Why I Don’t Mind a Kid-Free Mother’s Day”

  1. My boys dad and I are divorced and I am in full support of co-parenting – when it works of course. I am lucky that I have a really good relationship with my ex and we are on the same page as far as the kids go.

  2. I think co-parenting – the genuine kind, not the kind where you only snipe each other when the kids aren’t around – is so beneficial for the kids and the parents. Why hold on to bad feelings?

  3. I love this post so much! It was so brave. So many of us are afraid to admit that we’d like a little time away from our kids from time to time.

  4. I couldn’t agree more. Your schedule sounds a lot like mine. I head to 3 schools (or bus stops) each morning with my 4 kiddos. It’s hectic day in and day out. A day alone is ok..even if it is mother’s day. 🙂 Kudos to you for not feeling guilty at all. I spent the morning with hubby and the afternoon/eve with the kids.

  5. I am in desperate need of a totally kid free day (and I have an amazing husband that does more than his fair share) There is nothing wrong with needing and taking a break!

    1. I am so glad you have such a supportive husband, I currently have a boyfriend who I have been with about 9 months now, who has proven to be someone I can foresee a long term future with as he does a lot in this relationship – especially coming into my world of having three kids while he has no kids. It is great to have a loving, supportive partner but a break is always a great way to maintain our own individuality for sure! Cheers to you for having an amazing husband!

  6. I can understand being okay with a kid free Mother’s Day. I think all moms need a day to themselves sometimes. You sound like you are doing a great job of positive co-parenting. I know that would be hard for me.

    1. Co-parenting has its ups and downs, pros and cons just like everything in life. I have been co-parenting my first born since she was about 4 mos old, she is now almost 14 so I like to think I am a pro at this gig 😉 While co-parenting isn’t the path I had envisioned, my ex-husband and I are great friends still and put our sons first … the first born’s dad and I don’t have the same relationship but we do our best and besides our daughter is almost 14 so now it’s more about making sure to listen to her needs and opinions more than the parents having to work as hard. I am glad you left me a comment, have a fabulous day!

  7. It’s nice to have time that is kid free sometimes. We all need to take time for ourselves now and then.

    1. Very true, time to be one with our own minds. To remember who we are and to work towards keeping ourselves fulfilled. I hope you get alone time as often as you need! Thanks for leaving a comment. xo

  8. I can definitely understand this. It’s nice to have some time on your own when you’re usually busy.

  9. Wow, you work very hard for your children.
    I think you deserve a little R&R from them at least every now and then.

    1. All parents work hard, it’s a tough job for sure! Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment, I wish you a happy day today!

  10. Co-parenting is awesome, I wish my ex was ever interested in co-parenting my oldest… He doesn’t though, so he’s with me 24/7….. I think you definitely deserve some kid-free time!

    1. Co-Parenting is not easy for anyone and it saddens me when one of the parents simply walks away forever. It isn’t fair to the child you both created, while I have issues with my first born’ father – we never really see eye to eye, we have done our best to raise her and now, she is about to turn 14 so it’s more about her feelings and opinions than ours as parents being different. I am sending you a virtual hug and strength as you work to raise your child, he will see you as the strong woman you are when he is grown and appreciate all you do for him, I am sure of it!

  11. Co-parenting can be a struggle for some parents. It is so important to try to make it work. The kids benefit from having both parents on the same page.

  12. I would have a hard time with the mom guilt there. But glad you can find your own happiness on Mother’s Day

  13. Being mom is not always easy, yes we should have kid free but in my situation, it doesn’t happen lol. But I’m so thankful to have a family time in last Mother’s Day.

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