3 Things To Do In Your Last Trimester

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

18 thoughts on “3 Things To Do In Your Last Trimester”

  1. These are great tips! I am not having any more babies (cries) but I will pass these along these tips to friends.

  2. These are all great tips. I am done, but I know these will help lots of mamas out there 🙂

  3. I kept my feet up whenever possible when I was in my last trimester. My ankles and feet were so sore and swollen, and it really helped.

  4. My daughter is in her third trimester of pregnancy right now. We need to look over our baby gear and see what we have left to buy. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. It’s been a long time since I was pregnant. My baby will be 20 this year, but these are all great tips and brought back memories of that time in my life.

  6. I made sure to take maternity photos during my last trimester with all three of my children. It was a great way to cherish that special time.

  7. It is totally the calm before the storm! I just relaxed and tried not to think about labor lol!

  8. Ah… savoring those last moments of kicks and moving around in the belly, I loved putting a plate on my stomach and watching it move around, I was on bedrest at the end so I had to entertain myself lol.

  9. Great tips! I’m almost 16 weeks with #7 and really, really looking forward to the 3rd trimester starting. Seems like forever away though!

  10. I found myself needing a lot more rest during my third trimester. I have a friend who is pregnant right now and will be sharing this post with her.

  11. I’m with the earlier ‘I’m all done’ Ladies but love all of your thoughts. Before I had kids I read madly to gain all the knowledge I could. This post will really help people.

  12. I wish i would have had maternity photos done for my kids. It is so nice to look back at them later. I did a lot of nesting in my third trimester.

  13. Ah I remember that last trimester well. It was so nice to have that prominent movement all of the time. 🙂

  14. The third trimester was always good training for me. I adjusted to the lack of sleep due to an inability to get comfortable. Perfect for having a new baby.

  15. I think for me, I had trouble balancing the rest I needed in the 3rd trimester and all I had to do to get ready for the baby. Great tips!

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