I watch, observe, and take it all in. Each time I see something that strikes a chord, a core memory if you will, I note it. Inside of my mind I wrap all of the moments together, the ones that give me that little jolt of “wait, I’ve been there” and eventually they lead up to the final conclusion of what my gut says to be true. Silently I wait for that moment when it all unfolds. When you watch everything come to head, the moments that bring back that tinge of memory from past experiences, it hurts. The pain is just slight, because you’ve been here before. The ultimate ending is near. The why won’t matter, the thoughts won’t matter. Fact is, you’ve learned through these experiences that you wait patiently and all will come out in the end.
Why is it that I write such a paragraph? Well simply put, I enjoy my patience that I’ve found over the years, that guard so to speak where my gut flickers for a moment but there isn’t enough fact to go with that gut feeling just yet. I enjoy knowing that I am more aware than ever before but also more patient than ever before. With each moment that I see something that doesn’t quite fit, I learn, I breathe, I watch. I must admit I admire my level of patience as it is with this type of scenario, a patience that has been developed through lots of painful times.
What is learned when you have experienced this depth of pain in the past, is that you take life with a grain of salt, you enjoy the memories you make each day and the moments you have but also keep a cautious eye when that little gut feeling creeps in. That gut feeling is your survival skills kicking in, you don’t want to be hurt, heartache is not fun, and disappointment isn’t fun. I say this; if you find your gut perking up and trying to tell you something; first off listen to it, be aware and second off, watch. Keep your eyes open wide and just evaluate until you have that defining moment of “yes my gut was correct” or “no my gut was just reacting based on an emotional memory”.
The key to knowing truth versus farce is remembering that your gut feeling can also be stemmed from memories of the past, versus moments of the present day! Once you learn, such as I have, which gut feeling is real and which is based on past experiences, you will live life fuller, be respected more, and have the knowledge to know when to call someone out on that true gut instinct.
Cheers to having a happy life by knowing when to say no and when to say yes to that gut instinct.
Reflection and reason are overrated, according to renowned psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer. Much better qualified to help us make decisions is the cognitive, emotional, and social repertoire we call intuition?
So many times that I heard it speaking, but I didn’t listen. I learned my lesson, so now I listen to my gut feeling first before anything else.
It has always been my motto to listen to your gut. Once I didn’t listen to mine and someone turned out as creepy as my gut had suggested. I try to listen for that reason and I usually tell myself that even if I am reacting out of fear based on the past, it will probably keep me safer. But you are right, there are other times when you may have evaluate the source.
Can I borrow a cup of your patience? I can be patient but there are times that I should be and are not. Thanks for the reminder that I need to learn this everyday.
My gut instinct takes me a long way. Sometimes it’s right and others not so much, but it’s always still nice to recognize what you’re feeling in certain situations.
Sometimes it can be so hard to be patient and listen to your gut feeling. Especially when the gut feeling isn’t what you want. But it’s important to listen to the gut feelings.
Listening to your gut is so important. For me it meant getting my son the medical attention he needed when he was first born and his breathing didn’t sound right.
Aah the defining moment. If only we could always wait and not jump before this defining moment. I respect you so much Brandy. <3
Yes! I try to always listen to my gut instinct. There are times when I don’t and I am quickly reminded why I should have.