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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

27 thoughts on “Stay True to Yourself – Be Honest with Everyone”

  1. Good for you for recognizing that the full time job wasn’t working for you. So many people aren’t as lucky as you to have such an understanding employer and end up stuck in a rut for a really long time.

  2. Being true to yourself is important. So is honesty. If you don’t have those two, your entire life is basically a lie.

  3. It’s tough to find the right job and the right path with all things… sounds like you are heading towards figuring it all out and being true to you in the process.

    1. It really is not so tough in my mind, but reality is the work at home pay is net 30, net 60 or net 90 which is not easy to budget on right now while raising 3 kids in a single parent household so I need that extra steady paycheck in addition to the at-home payouts.

    1. Thank you Kelly. It was easy to talk to him, because from day one I have prided myself in being as honest as I can be in a working environment and I knew I had to speak up with what was going on rather than sink into a deeper whole of sadness. I love that as I get older, I get more confident in my own needs.

  4. You definitely have to do what makes you happy in life. Being true yourself is one the more important things in life.

    1. Thanks for the comment! I agree, when we follow our instincts and dreams? We always will succeed an be at our best.

  5. We can not expect someone else to make us happy if we are not happy with ourselves. I like the wall hanging you put in the bathroom. I love shopping at the Dollar General.

    1. Dollar General is awesome and the wall hanging was only $1. Yet that $1 wall hanging has inspired me to keep moving forward towards what is important to me.

    1. I am working to get my confidence back, it keeps getting lost, just slightly along the curved road of life – but I work hard to get it back which shows the kids that we never give up – no matter what life tosses at us.

  6. It is so easy to get discouraged, but it is always a great idea to stay true to ourselves… Great post. Thanks for the reminder

  7. I am glad you got things balanced. It can be so hard to figure out the balance and being able to decide what is best.

  8. This is SO important to share. I’m glad you’ve reconnected back with yourself and are keeping the true you at the forefront. Such an important reminder that I needed today – thank you!

    1. I hope it helps you and that right there, is why I continue to write and be honest – to hopefully help others in some small way! I do hope today is awesome for you!

    1. Sometimes people look at me like I am insane, because I always go with what is best for me. It may make zero sense to anyone else, but I have found success in being that way.

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