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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

29 thoughts on “Madame Sherri in New Hampshire #castle #nh #travel”

  1. I’m totally going to have to check this out. We were in New Hampshire a few weekends ago for a weekend away and we’ll be back over Christmas (which may just be a little too cold). I’ll have to visit Chesterfield next summer when I come back up and it’s warm enough to enjoy! Do you think kids would enjoy it too?

    1. I plan to take my kids there … with the trails, ponds and lakes as well as the castle? I do think kids would like this location! Mine love nature walks and being in the woods though, not sure if yours are into castles and woods? If so, yes, great place to take a little family trip!

  2. I miss those weekend road trips, we used to do that and then the kids got busier and we haven’t been able to do it in a while. I love what you found… looks like a great place to explore and take photos.

  3. That is just gorgeous. I’ve never had the chance to go to New Hampshire, but I think it’s about time I changed that.

  4. For the most complete telling of Madame Sherri’s story, see the book Madame Sherri – The Special Edition, co-authored by myself and Eric Stanway. (The Special Edition book is a more comprehensive than the short book Eric had published previously.) It was commonly known that Sherri was a costume designer, but she and her husband had also been dancers on the vaudeville circuit. See web page

    1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Would you care to sometime do a guest post here about your findings to include something about your book? I’d love to have you as a guest blogger here at!

      1. Thanks. I can do an item for you.

        My strength is Madame’s pre-New Hampshire career, which was more significant than what is given on the sign at the forest. Still, I think people that visit there would be interested to know, for example, that she was a tango dancer early on.

  5. Were you ever able to see a rendering of what the castle looked like before it was burned? I love old foundations.

    1. There is a bulletin type board up, covered in plexi/glass … where you can see what the place once looked like back in the day. It also has information/the history of Madame Sherri and that location! It really is a fantastic place to visit and it is free! 513 Acres or something like that, a woman named Ann Stokes purchased way back, then she donated it to so it is part of the National Forest something (forgive me I forget the full name of the forestry agency). Pretty cool find!

  6. I can’t wait to do fun trips like this with my hubby! That castle must have been something. I need someone to write a book about it and let their minds take it where it needs to go. lol

  7. I would love to see the sites in Chesterfield, NH. Madame Sherri’s castle ruins are inviting, just like the scenery around them.

  8. Oh wow, I didn’t know about this castle! It’s pretty cool that you were able to find out about it and make it there on the fly.

  9. Ah, that’s all that’s left? I’d love to learn more! I love places with history like that, what a stunning backdrop for portraits 🙂

  10. What a great way to spend time together and explore. That castles remains is begging for a photo shoot with a little princess.

  11. we just had a conversation about this today. It’s been years since we’ve been spontaneous and just got in the car to do something. Our schedules get in the way but we know we need to find a way to get out and enjoy something other than screen time

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