Being the best you possible is important, whether you are a parent, a husband or a wife, a girlfriend or a boyfriend, or a single person; having the ability to maintain the best you possible should be your number one goal in life! How do you start working on becoming the best you possible? Start off by making healthy choices in your life:
Change Your Surroundings
The first step to ensure that you are living to your fullest, healthiest potential is to change your surroundings. Remove any negativity in your life to include people that have been around you that only drain your happy energy. Next up, change your home surroundings, make your house a home is the best way to put it. Hang up inspirational or devotional wall hangings where you will see them often. Change the lighting in your home to be more energizing for you; be it a certain color or type of light .. make it happen!
Eat Healthy Food Options
Start eating more fruits and vegetables; one thing that you may notice is that friend who is eating healthier seems to be the best possible version of their own self. Some fruits give you a natural energy, which in turn can make you be the best you possible, happier! Vegetables are necessary for vitamins that your body feeds on, so when you eat the proper diet on a regular basis; your body is naturally becoming the best possible version of itself.
Exercise Daily
Whether you are more of a walker than a runner, more into yoga or more into aerobics – get up off that bum of yours and start a daily exercise regiment. Exercise each day for at a minimum of 15 minutes to see a huge change in your demeanor. Being the best you possible, means taking care of your inside and outside body. If you work many long hours and seem to not know where to fit in an exercise program; take a short walk on lunch break, park your car further away at the grocery store, come home and do some aerobic type moves while cooking dinner … you can find creative ways to incorporate exercise into your daily life.
Lead a Happy Life
When you put forth effort to smile every day, do some form of exercise every day and change your diet to be more of a balance between good and bad; then you will ultimately find out that you are being the best you possible! Cheers to your success in becoming the best you possible and running forward with life changes for the positive!
I really enjoyed reading this article. There are so many tips that I never really thought about before.
This is so important. I may not be slim, but I always want to look my best. I walk three to four times daily and I feel something is missing if I missed walking.
I definitely believe if you are happy then you are in the right direction to be healthy. Your other points are there but without happiness you cannot leave a healthy life to start with.
Making the right choices makes all the difference. I always notice how much better I feel when I choose wisely.
Your post says it all. Being at your best involves every aspect of living from good diet to exercise to surrounding yourself with a positive and nurturing environment.
I really had never thought about my surroundings impacting me so much. I really would like to figure out a way to brighten up our house.
My family has been heading to the gym nightly. We have vowed to live healthier with the new year coming.
I agree making wise choices does pay off in the long run! I’ve been trying to switch up how I do things lately and so far I feel better for it.