Coparenting is a Partnership

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

16 thoughts on “Coparenting is a Partnership”

  1. This is a great post. My sister divorced a few years ago, and she’s been having to navigate the whole coparenting thing. It’s had it’s bumps along the way, but overall it’s been going well.

  2. I haven’t dealt with co-parenting directly, but an ex of mine had a child with someone he never even dated. That was a struggle most of the time in the beginning, but they have since learned how to co-parent pretty successfully. I am sure it’s hard to put aside hurtful or angry feelings for your child’s other parent, but I agree it must be done so you can focus on the most important factor: the child!

  3. I’ve never had to deal with this, and I hope I never will! This is a great article for those who are about to go through it, though. Thanks!

  4. I’ve never had to deal with this, but my daughter’s best friend has parents who are divorced. It was always a struggle with the dad, but she turned out great!

  5. This is really great info! I know a family would could greatly benefit from this info, I will pass along! I hope I dont ever need to do this!

  6. I do not have children and I really don’t relish the idea of marrying a man with a pre-made family because of all the drama and issues that come along with it. But there definitely has to be communication all the way around to make it work and make sure the children are getting what they need physically and emotionally.

  7. I grew up in a blended family. As long as everyone keeps the child in mind first and acts like a grown up, it can be a good thing. Great advice.

  8. That’s exactly right. People need to remember that their kids should be above everything and not hurt them with their attitude. Each parent has the right and responsibility to be there whenever possible and be interested in their kids. Here’s another point of view on this subject, from the aspect of step-parenting.
    Really interesting. Thanks for this article, it was really great.

  9. This is something I am sure many people have to work through. It is great to have the insight of someone who has been there already so I’ll be sure to pass this on if I know anyone who could use it.

  10. from what I know about you you’re so level headed and reasonable. I love that you are able to have this kind of relationship with your ex

  11. Great post! I can imagine it could be pretty difficult to co-parent in different homes. It’s not always easy when everyone is under one roof.

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