Five Ways to Start Being Happier

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

26 thoughts on “Five Ways to Start Being Happier”

  1. Great ideas! All very good and valid. I know I am always looking for new ways to make the most of my days and happiness!

  2. I’m not sure what changed when I moved from Canada to California – but I instantly became happier. I love my life down here now (probably because I won’t have to deal with the cold and snow!)

  3. I keep telling my sweetie that he would be so much happier if he found a hobby. Mine is art, reading and writing…so I am always set when I need something to help pass the time or relax. Right now, I’ve been doing a lot of Artist Trading Cards…and swapping art with people all over the world.

  4. I truly believe that surrounding yourself with positive people is essential, I have totally weeded out all the negative Nellys in my life and it is so drama free right now, which goes a long way in being positive!

  5. Well lets see if I can stop screaming at the kids this evening for being too wild and crazy, I think my happiness with start then. LOL Putting taking care of rambunctious kids aside and the exhaustion that comes with that every day, I think I’m happiest when I count my blessings and realize all I have to be grateful for.

  6. I agree with making healthier choices when it comes to the food we eat. While some may not see its benefits, I’d felt different when I started to eat clean & eat right. I would also like to add to this list that people ought to develop & cultivate an attitude of gratitude instead of having a hateful vibe. It will make the world a better place 🙂

  7. New hobbies and healthier foods really do help. Going for long walks is also a great mood booster 🙂

  8. Eating right always makes me so much more happy. The hobby thing is my number 1 go to place when I need a break or cool off.

  9. You definitely can make yourself happier if you set your mind to it. Hobbies definitely always work for me.

  10. Love the idea of smiling more and ever since I started practicing, I’ve become much happier. Thanks for sharing these great tips!

  11. I am trying to change my mindset and be happier. It is a slow process but I am finally getting to a good spot.

  12. Positive people can do wonders to you! That is definitely important to me.WE need to be around people who can motivate us.

  13. Hanging out with positive people really does make a big difference. And I always forget how much food affects me. I should totally start eating healthier – thanks for the reminder!

  14. These are great tips and they really work! If you focus on happier things, you start to see things in a better light!

  15. The honest truth to being happy is working out, it not only boosts your confidence in who you are but it also makes you far more healthier; it truly makes you a far happier person.

  16. Healthier foods really can make a huge difference in how you feel. When you eat like crap, you feel like crap & who could be happy with that?!

  17. These are awesome ideas to start being happier. I believe the key is to change how you think and make it positive. Thanks for sharing.

  18. I’m so glad that I saw this post. Thanks for this great list. I am always telling myself that I wish I was happier, I will have to try these and so what it does for me.

  19. great list. I especially love the point about spending time with positive people. The company you keep really does have a big effect on you. I try to surround myself with positive supportive folks.

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