Look at that little goofy boy there! My five year old son is the family comedian, always the laughing one in our household. K-man loves to make us laugh with his goofy antics, this is him during the magic carpet rides we gave during school vacation.
Magic Carpet Ride – Indoor fun for all kids and a great workout for parents arms – lay a blanket down on a slippery floor, have children (1-2 depending upon size) sit or lay on blanket and pull it around house. It’s so much fun! Guaranteed some laughs.
I had a great day one day this past week when I made pasta salad and grilled cheese sandwiches for my three kids plus my daughter’s best friend who had slept over. Many talk about stay at home moms not being as fulfilled as those who work outside of the home but this particular day I noticed something about my feelings, while cooking in the kitchen for the kids;
While cooking away in the kitchen, slaving over the stove & hearing the kids laugh and chat in the living room, I felt a warm feeling in my heart. I felt so completely fulfilled in that moment; that one moment made me realize why it is I work from home, because no job outside of the home could ever give me that heart felt warm feeling I experienced in the kitchen that day.
We enjoyed a lot of silly moments this week and I am blessed to have such a close knit relationship with all of my children. I enjoyed our mother/daughter day on Tuesday. My daughter and I spent a full day together without the boys, which was long needed. I shall write about that day later. My youngest loves climbing on me, but he forgets that I am his Mama, not his Daddy, and a bit more fragile. A lot of unplanned fun unfolded this week and for that I am truly thankful to have experienced.
Allowing my kids to be who they are and embracing them as individuals really helps us to enjoy each other on a deeper level. Each of my children are so different than the other but together we are a match meant to be. I am blessed to be able to be their Mama.
Jenny the Pug had some fun too, she must have been slightly lost because of all this activity during the week. Jenny usually spends her weekdays with me working from my desk while she sleeps but even Jenny enjoyed having the kids home this past week for some family together time.
This week has reminded me that I am meant to be a Mom, it’s the one job in this world I have held since working at age 13 that I feel more fulfilled in that any other job I held in my life. Each day I learn something new about myself, my kids and what being a parent entails. I am truly blessed.

You guys have the quality time thing covered. I love that you guys are always playing games, doing crafts or cooking/baking together!
So much fun….love seeing Jenny again too!! She’s so darn cute! We’re supposed to get some snow/ice again starting tomorrow so I’m expecting a couple of snow days early this coming week. I’m a little excited about getting to sleep in and having a 4 day weekend.
I love that you love being home. 🙂 I love it too.
What a fun week! Looks like even the dog enjoyed it!
I completely agree with you; being a mom is the most fulfilling job in the world! I had one of those moments, just like yours, while cooking dinner the other night too. Put me in happy, thankful tears. We are so blessed!!
Jenny is an adorable dog, SO cute. It looks like you all used your time wisely and had some fun too. I love cooking with my kids, it takes longer and gets messy but its so much fun.
Aw, it looks like you all had a great time together! And yum, that macaroni looks delicious!
My kids were tracked out a few weeks ago and we had lots of fun days like this too. It’s great to be able to enjoy that time with the kids!
My daughter was sick for pretty much her whole vacation. It was a bummer not to be able to really play with her, but at least she didn’t miss a week of school.
Sounds like you had an awesome week! I will have to do some of these activities when my son is on spring break!
Yes, I love being a mom! It’s the hardest job I’ve ever had.
Sounds like it has been a fun week for sure. My boys have taken to making grilled cheese every day for lunch.
I love when my son goes on school vacation, because we always have so much fun! His next vacation is the last week of March – can’t wait! 🙂
What a blessing to be able to stay at home with your kids. Looks like you all had a wonderful time spending QT together!
Adorable family including your cute dog. Our dogs are our family and that’s the way it should be. have a great week!!
There’s really nothing like being able to stay home and take care of your children. No other job can compare to it.
Our break is coming up. We plan to travel just a bit..then relax at home.
As a fellow stay at home mom, I live for weeks like this. Sometimes it is easy to get rundown, but these little moment, days, or weeks make put everything back in perspective! It is the best!
You have such a cute family. A good family is indeed a treasure.
That lunch looks delish. It’s right up my alley!!
You have such an amazing bond with your kids! It’s great to be able to spend quality time with them and watch them grow up. Good job mama!
What a sweet post! I love the story about the warm feeling in your heart. I’ve felt that too before, where all just seems right and comfy with the world.
Love the photos so cute.
That pasta salad looks really tasty and it literally has me drooling all over my computer. I haven’t eaten today (bad I know), but now I’m hungry lol.
We’ve done similar to that when my daughter was younger and we had laminate floors – so fun! Also, love that Jenny got in on the action 🙂
I’m glad you had such a great week! It sounds like you have an amazing relationship with your children. &I remember doing Magic Carpet rides when I was a kid!
i love reading all about your kids here and on facebook. they sound like a fun bunch like mine
Cute pup! The pasta salad looks yum.
My kids go crazy with a week out of school!! LOL. Looks like you guys had fun.
What a fun week! It’s always nice when the kids get some time off school and you can take full advantage of it.
Good for you and your fun-filled week… Jenny looks pooped from all the fun and excitement. 🙂
I feel like i get the best of both worlds. I work but since I do it from home, I get all the perks of being with my kids and working around their schedule. SO for me, it is all worth it, so that i can have fun like this.