Today it started … the official first day of the 2013/2014 School Year. Last night we got our clothes ready for earlier than normal wake up and we set our alarm clocks. Then it happened … that “back to school anxiety” .. the not being able to sleep for my brain is so nervous and excited it cannot slow down. That was my two oldest last night. Aj lay wide awake attempting to sleep but just couldn’t. He was a good sport, he never kept me awake, simply lay down with eyes open while he pet our pug until he finally past out. My oldest, well she finally fell asleep only to be awoken by a nightmare so I had to tuck her back in and get some sound on for background noise.
Finally about 10:30pm we lay down to sleep and I had a tossing and turning five year old beside me so needless to say .. I did not sleep a wink. By the time my six o’clock alarm went off, I was wide awake anyways so got up and started the back to school routine. Guzzling coffee, while getting cartoons on for the little guy who woke up because I left the bed beside him. Then I had to wax my eyebrows, well I didn’t have time last night. Then made breakfast for each child and finally was able to get into the shower while still making it to school on time.
Today was difficult for me, I have two kids in two different schools, last year was same way. Last year, though, I do not recall having to rush between the schools. This year, my oldest wanted me to be at her school which is not normal and of course I always want to ensure my middle child is settled into his new classroom because occasionally he has issues with new people. I dropped Aj off with his Dad, they ventured to school together with little brother in tow while I headed to my daughter’s school.
Finally at about 9am I returned home to get some work done but alas, sitting at a desk didn’t seem too appealing nor was I motivated without first organizing my office space a bit more. I work in the master bedroom at my desk with laptop hooked up to it, but with boxes surrounding me and a completely unorganized closet space … I had to focus on that first. So I organized and finally come 10am here I am ready to work.
For those who are curious, yes I fought back tears leaving my 7 and 10 year old at school today, next week is Kindergarten…. just wait, I will be a mess if I had to hold back tears today!
Cheers to the new school year and my first year of working full time hours from home!!

Look at how many more productive hours you’ll have this year, and like you, I always cry on first day. I hope they have a great day!
How great they look for their first day!! I was fine w/kindergarten for some reason, but I thought my son was too small to be going. 🙂
I missed him while he was gone though. Good luck with your little one’s first day!