One of my many faults, if you wish to look at it that way, is that I can be somewhat impulsive. While I do think before acting a majority of the time with big, important decisions -when it comes to my business ventures I sort of just dive in head first and hope it works out. It usually does. When it comes to ideas on what to do for family trips, I dive in and just go with my first brilliant idea, usually that works too.
The issue is that now my children are starting to show signs of being impulsive. While my daughter loves singing, she has never done a Broadway show, ever. Currently she auditioned, and made the part, for School House Rock Live Jr. A production being put on in my local town. While the daughter mad one part in two songs and mainly was taken for part of the chorus, she is finding out just what sort of commitment one gives when signing up for such a show that is not part of the school.
My daughter is used to doing random things at the school such as the school concerts and she plays flute in band but when it comes to something like this big deal Opera House show, it’s all new for me and her. Practices are nearly every evening right smack dab in the middle of dinner and bedtime routine for my sons. My daughter is exhausted and starving by the time she is done with rehearsal each night, even though I do feed her before and provide snack to have her eat or bring on way there or home.
It’s taken a toll on my daughter and the family. While my daughter is super excited to be in this show, she is also super ready to take a break after this shows final performances are over, a break from any extra activities so that she can simply just be a kid and enjoy childhood. I am glad she made that decision and maybe next time around, she will now know what type of schedule a Broadway show takes on, meaning she will not be as impulsive to audition.
When I asked her why she auditioned for this, because she has been sort of frustrated with her schedule being tied up – she replied “well I didn’t think I would actually make a part”. I giggled … the director has told her that she has a “loud voice that while being loud can stay on key, in pitch”. I am so proud and cannot wait to see her performance!

Impulsive gets a bad rap, I like being impulsive. 🙂
Congrats to your daughter, what a memory she’s making!
Congrats to your daughter. That’s so funny that she didn’t expect to get the part. She’s talented and humble. Good job Mom.