I am grocery shopping at Walmart with the four year old, cell is on silent while I am in the store because I am sure no one wants to hear the Red Solo Cup song over and over, yes I get texts a lot – some days. They also would hear the Facebook alert notification quite frequently which is one of two different songs because my cell phone is funked up.
K-man and I did the grocery shopping and I picked him up a clearance flashlight Cars brand toy of some sort for like $4, then we checked out and got to the car. Then I decided to check my cell phone. There it was, my daughter’s school number. They had called only moments before I looked and had left a voicemail. I listen to the voicemail and here we go … the daughter has a fever and needs to be picked up from school.
I go get the daughter, thinking she has this high fever and is all sick, but in reality she has a temp of 99.2 and is seriously moody as all heck because God forbid she gets sent home. She is a worrier by nature and gets totally stressed out lately – I love these tween hormones – so much fun!
We get home and she checks her temp, yup 99.1 and sits there complaining about how she shouldn’t have been brought him, she isn’t sick .. yadda yadda yadda. Then I hear her, in my room, coughing up a freaking lung. She sounds HORRIBLE, seriously AWFUL, but she isn’t sick mind you. Not at all. And to top that off, she isn’t coughing?! Ummm dude you could hear that cough in China, no joke.
The thing was that we were suppose to go to the hospital and meet the new addition to our family – Baby Olivia, my sisters first child after having been told she would never have kids. A sick Ki can not go meet her new baby cousin, no way, no how. It is not something worth risking at a hospital or anywhere there is a newborn baby. Ki was upset and convinced herself she wasn’t coughing and wasn’t sick. I took forever explaining to her why she is technically “sick” even if she doesn’t “feel sick”.
Tears in her eyes, she was so upset she couldn’t meet her new cousin (and only cousin on my side of the family), but she will meet her soon enough I reassured Ki that she can meet her Monday night if all goes well and she is no longer sick. I had no words that would work to alleviate her stressed out mind over not being able to meet her cousin and having so much work to do and all that was on her mind. This girl is only 10 years old but the things she worries about drive me to tilt my head and grab a hold of her to give her a big hug.
I am seriously debating to just leave her a school next time, if that were even an option. Quarantine this kid in a room and let her do her school work because if you send her home all she is going to do is feel stressed out over all the work she will have to make up.
There you have it, now Miss Ki is sick with a bad cough and low grade fever. Hopefully this all passes and I do not get it. I can not afford, handle, have time to get sick … not one moment!

We had two bouts w/it, one that ruined our after-Christmas visit to the oldest and his wife. No fun and I hope she’s better soon and no one else in the house gets it.
Sorry to hear she has to miss out on seeing her cousin, but she’s already being a responsible big cousin, watching out to make sure the little one doesn’t get sick. Monday will be here before she knows it. 🙂
Seems strange she would be sent home for such a low fever, but the cough, I hope it gets better quickly so she can meet her cute baby cousin!