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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

24 thoughts on “I Will Not Shop at a Thrift Store”

  1. I’m a HUGE thrift shopper! My kids love going to the thrift store because they know they’ll almost always come home with new (to them) clothes since they’re so inexpensive. I buy most of my clothes at the thrift store – especially when you can find one that sells really nice stuff for cheap!

  2. I’m glad that she ended up enjoying it and finding and outfit. I love thrift stores now but I’m not sure I would have been caught dead in one when I was a kid!

  3. When my daughter Hailey was younger, my mother in law would tell her they were going to Macy’s when she took her to the thrift store that way if anyone asked where she got her clothes, my daughter would say Macy’s.

    She wasn’t too happy once she got a little older and found out her Nana’s secret.

  4. We have a Goodwill thrift store that’s brand new and really big but I haven’t gone in. I feel like since we can afford to buy new I shouldn’t shop there. There are a lot of families that need those discounts more than we do.

  5. We shop at thrift stores all the time, even my teens. After a few times when their friends asked where they got something they have learned to be vague and not loudly proclaim, “The Salvation Army”. Especially when they are growing fast it just doesn’t make sense to buy everything new.

  6. LOL That is funny, Stefani! My daughter likes going to the thrift store but we haven’t actually bought clothes there recently, just household goodies!

  7. I love thrift store shopping. When my daughters were in high school, it was all the rage to shop the thrift stores for them. They had some of the most unique outfits too.

  8. I have always liked to bargain shop, even as a kid. Therefore, I never had a problem with going to consignment shops or places such as Goodwill or Salvation Army. You never know what you’ll find, and half of the time I’ll stumble upon on treasures that are brand new or gently used. I also love to scour the clearance racks at stores such as Nordstrom, TJ Maxx, and Marshall’s. When it comes to clothes, I will hardly pay full price. I’m hoping that my daughter will share my love of bargain shopping someday. 🙂

  9. I have always loved shopping the thrift store, yard sales and flea markets! As you say, sometimes you find something amazing, other times nothing at all. It is fun though and I have gotten some really great deals on items we wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise!

  10. I’m glad she found an outfit she liked. When I was younger, my mom would give my brother and I each an amount for school clothes. My brother would buy one outfit. I’d come back with outfits for a week and still have enough money to buy lunch.

  11. As a young teen, I use to thrift store hop with my mom. I really liked the thrill of the hunt. I haven’t been in years. I think it’s time.

  12. I couldn’t agree more!! My sister had her nose held a little too high and we took her – she now loves them as much as we do!

  13. I love thrift shopping – i feel like I’m recycling. I also love getting something new for $5 – just feels great.

  14. I think Thrift stores are great! I will do it for kids but I have a phobia for me! If Don’t know where it came from I have a hard time with it. My friend is trying to convince me otherwise and I really want to try it just have to get past what “I” think of it. I know it is good stuff, just got to tell my gross out factor that! LOL

  15. The thing with kids clothes, especially nicer ones are they grow out of them so fast they often only get worn a few times if at all. I remember a gorgeous French crocheted sweater dress I got my daughter off Ebay with the tags still on it… She never wore it & I ended out selling it to someone else on there. Hopefully some little girl eventually wore it….lol

    1. That is awesome, I hope someone else wore it too! I saw a nice pair of Old Navy dress pants and I so wanted them for Ki but alas they were too big. She had a blast though and got some nice clothes!

  16. My kids definitely know what a thrift shop is. They have been a few times and have liked what they saw. My grandma got me started on thrift stores when I was younger.

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