When it comes to social media marketing you have to put the old school marketing approach on the back burner, meaning traditional marketing methods do not usually work online with social media marketing. Many businesses have a Facebook Fan page where people can “like” their page and interact with them. Various consumers can visit a business’ Facebook Fan page and “like” them then leave a comment on their wall about how their product changed their life or how their services are amazing. This word of mouth free of cost advertising can truly pay off for a business.
There are mutiple pros to having a Facebook Fan Page:
- Personalized approach to interaction with prospects, customers and clients.
- Customizable options for a welcome landing page to offer discounts or special news with new fans.
- Interaction through more personal conversations engage your fans and increase fan numbers.
One way that businesses are starting to utilize their Facebook Fan page is through sponsored conversations, whether the company has an in house employee or sub contractor hired to post conversation starters on their page, it has held true that marketing through a non-branding strategy works to sell your product and/or service to consumers.
Engaging your fan base is a vitally important part of having a Facebook page, you set this page up to do more than just share your deals and services all day long, right? You have a business and want to show people that are you real, true to your market and want to really engage them to hear insight on their life as it may pertain to your products. Maybe you are a positive living lifestyle coach and you have your Facebook Fan page all setup ready to use but not sure how to get your numbers up and engage your fan base. If you have a Facebook Fan page for your positive lifestyle coaching business I bet the best type of conversations to engage your fan base wouldn’t discuss the services you offer but instead offer some insight to how they could live their life positive or ask questions such as “What is one thing you are going to do today to relax the mind & soul for a happy day?” or “Tell me one type of snack food that you eat daily to help increase your energy without high sugar content”.
These conversation starters are the best way to nonchalantly engage your followers and have a conversation. Of course you can input tips and talk about services you offer in a way that makes sense during the conversation too, but try not to be to pushy. Believe it or not having these sort of conversations will truly build up your fan base and when more people are talking on your page other friends of your fan base will see this which means more numbers for your Facebook Fan page.
What are you waiting for? Get out there and start engaging your fan base, you can thank me later when you see your numbers and interactions climb!