As I am writing this blog post I found out that a keynote speaker I heard at Type-A Parent Conference has had a loss in her family and she is the person who inspired this blog post but I feel I must say I am sending big hugs and positives thoughts to her and her family right now. She is inspiring, cute and super funny. Wish I had met her face to face but I guess I sort of did, since I listened to her talk during the keynote speech at Type-A Parent Conference. I could listen to her talk for hours!
Image: jscreationzs /
This speech hit home for me because I am quite often being told I do everything and how amazing I am. I know I am amazing and I know I do a lot but I am not alone, I don’t do everything and well quite frankly, although I am good at what I do for work (blogging and virtual assistant stuff) I am horrible at housework. I dislike cleaning, it’s just not my thing.
So after hearing @mom101 speak at Type-A Parent I had to share a blog post about things I do not do, because it’s a reminder that no one gets every single thing done every single day and that is OKAY …
Things I Don’t Do
- I don’t vacuum nearly as often as I should. I tend to do a quick vacuum job and honestly vacuum under my couch & recliner maybe once every six months so please do not look under those areas.
- I don’t mop my kitchen floor more than once every few months, so please don’t take your shoes off at the door because it doesn’t matter.
- I don’t harp on my kids about keeping their room clean because after all they don’t eat in there so who cares if you have to make a path to go tuck them in.
- I don’t make my bed ever, except to quickly pull the comforter up so I can have it in the right place when I lay down to bed at 3am.
- I don’t mow my lawn as often as it should be, so when you drive by and see that I am growing a forest on my front lawn don’t mind it, I am a blogger I have no time to mow silly lawns.
- I don’t cook big, awesome meals like my father did when I was growing up.
- I don’t wash laundry as often as I should which is why I am usually running around on a day I actually have something to do. I have to rush laundry because my good clothes haven’t been washed for a week.
I am sure I can find many more examples but I am sure you get the jist. I am just one person and I am just one parent. I love what I do for work but there are many, many things that get put on the back burner for doing what I do. I do not do it all and I am 100% sure there isn’t one person who does, because even if you think you do it all, someone or something is taking the back burner while you “do it all”.
So when you see me online or in person please don’t tell me I do it all because I am far from doing it all, I am quite simply, just barely making it and I am smiling all the way through!
Want to read more about @mom101’s speech? Click here to head over to Type-A and read her rules! Amazing woman with great points!
What is it that you don’t do?

So basically, cleaning is not your strength. Well, is there anyone amongst us who likes that? I sure don’t!
I love that you tell people not to take off their shoes! When people ask me, “should we take our shoes off?” my first instinct is:
I loved her speech as well.