As a parent we wish to think our child could do no wrong, but reality is our child could be just as guilty of being a bully as they have the potential of being a victim in a bullying situation. There is so much talk about bullying nowadays and when I grew up I was simply told “those girls are just jealous of you” and forced to shrug off all of the mean words I heard.
As a mother, when my daughter comes home telling me someone picked on her I inform her to let a teacher know or tell someone of authority at the school because I don’t have authority during the day. I also inform her that sometimes children can say mean things but remember she is amazing and to not say mean things in return.
Well my daughter is a very well behaved, sweet little girl and as a child in school I do not always know what she is being shown about life when away from me. I trust that I have raised her in a way that she can truly understand right from wrong and make the correct decisions in life, however, she isn’t miss little innocent all of the time.
I recall one time her father telling me that another child told their parent that Miss Ki had given him the middle finger. Ki’s father went off, saying how sweet and innocent Miss Ki was and that she would never do such a thing. He was seriously offended that this child, who wasn’t a very well behaved child from what I heard, would say that our little girl had done such a mean thing. Come to find out, later on that day my daughter confessed that she did indeed give this little boy the finger. She had given the little boy the finger, not knowing what it means, because her little girlfriend had said to do it. So although my daughter didn’t realize what the finger meant, she was capable of being mean. I am proud that she finally admitted to her father she did do this because that shows she at least is aware of the idea of honesty.
Next story, my daughter had said some rude things to a girl on the school bus at her other school she attended for a short period of time. My first idea of a reply was “not my daughter”. The things Ki was being accused of saying I couldn’t imagine her ever saying to another person, let alone a girl she had called her friend for a while. Come to find out my daughter was guilty of being border line bully on the bus. When asked why she said it, “the girl was a mean girl. She was talking about doing things with a seventh grade boy, like disgusting things. I don’t like her, she is gross and mean”. I get it, this girl wasn’t obviously being raised to understand talking about SEX with a seventh grader is completely inappropriate but Ki knew it was inappropriate and used the word disgusting about it. Ki got so offended and disgusted about this that she lashed out and said some very wrong things to this girl.
My response to my daughter? As a mother I have to show my children what right from wrong is and that when we do make wrong we have to make good of what was done wrong. I had my daughter sit down and come up with an apology letter. The only concern my daughter had was that she didn’t want to be friends with this little girl, and I told her she doesn’t have to be friends with anyone she doesn’t want to, however, she is still to apology and not say things like that to anyone ever again. This was not okay behavior and unacceptable. My daughter also got grounded at home with an early bedtime and loss of her cell phone.
My sons are not in school yet, but I do feel all children will be capable of being the bully as well as the victim at some point within their lifetime. This is hard to admit, but it is very, very true!
So … could your child be a bully? Are you willing to admit and realize that it is possible or would you rather think of your child as doing no wrong ever and always being a victim?

I know that my oldest, while he has been bullied, also can be the bully. We have talked with him repeatedly about it. The fact is, that as much as I want to turn my head the other way, it HAS to be faced and dealt with so that it doesn’t progress. I think if parents are more aware, on both sides of bullying, it would really aide in cutting down on some of these problems.
Hi Brandy,
Great post! I know my daughter is not an angel by any means, but generally she’s a well-rounded, caring and intelligent individual. When it comes to bullying, there’s such a fine line. Many people know the common scenarios of what bullying is, but when it comes to saying harsh things to another child they don’t realize that’s bullying as well.
I applaud you for handling your daughter’s situation so well. I wished more parents would open their eyes and believe all kids (including their own) are capable of being bullies.
Awesome post. Thanks for sharing. RT @brandyellen Latest Blog Post: Could Your Child be a Bully? #cyberbullying
My daughter’s not in school yet but she definitely bullies me! She’s also 2 and that comes with the territory but definitely something to be aware of.
RT @brandyellen: Could Your Child be a Bully? #cyberbullying
I think any child in the right circumstances can be capable of bullying behavior. Unfortunately, those who misbehave in that manner do get a lot of attention from their peers and I think that is important to remember. I think the ‘my child can do no wrong attitude’ can contribute to creating bullies because let’s face it even as adults we make bad decisions once in awhile. It doesn’t make a child “bad” when they call someone a name…they’re just testing what they can get away with.
I think the inability of parents to see this is as a HUGE parent of the problem. Back “in the day” all anyone had to do was suggest that I’d been mean to someone and I was in trouble. Yet these days I can tell a parent their child has done something out of line and they will look me in their eyes and somehow defend it or flat out tell me they couldn’t have!?!?!?! WHAT!?!?? If I saw it with my own eyes, how can you question me. If I don’t think I know all the details I will tell you. But if I sat and watched an entire intereatcion, how can I as the adult be questioned like that….this without even asking their child if they did what they are being accused of. IT IS MESSED UP!