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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

17 thoughts on “Social Media and Social Anxiety”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Brandy, Sherri Morris. Sherri Morris said: RT @brandyellen: New Blog Post Social Media and Social Anxiety […]

  2. That is really amazing Brandy and so true. I feel uncomfortable around people I don’t know too, and social media has made me a lot more outgoing. I’m really glad I started doing this before I start craft fairs, because I think it will make it a lot easier on me and my sales will be better because of it.

    Keep up the positive attitude and don’t worry at all what anyone thinks of what you look like. No one’s perfect and it’s no one’s right to judge. Just be comfortable with yourself and know that you are a beautiful person inside and out!
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..Review & Giveaway – Nerf Armor for DSi =-.

  3. Your singing my song girl!! Only it was about a year ago and a horrible one at that. I’m on the .5mg lorazapam yes HALF a MG!! Knocks me out. I never leave home without it. If I do it’s an instant panic attack! Tears hyperventillating the works! It seems to get worse with my cycle time. I like hearing of others with this, it helps especially when I hear they cope without any meds. ANyway i friended you on FB and follow your blog now♥♥
    .-= THeChickenista´s last blog ..Countdown To Kidding! =-.

  4. I know that panicked feeling. I used to have that happen in similar situations – once we were on vacation and bar hopping and just being in this huge crazy busy place with a ton of tourists I didn’t know completely set me off – tears flowing. It sucked!

    I think you have a great point here, social media can definitely help overcome that.

  5. I’m so happy for you!
    Thanks for sharing your story!
    .-= BLOGitse´s last blog ..BLOB by BLOGitse – a new Blogcatalog group for daring bloggers! =-.

  6. I am so happy to know you and call you my friend. I have really bad anxiety. I get really nervous really easily and I start shaking and I occasionally cry. I too am trying to use my blog to break out of my shell.
    .-= Sheilacakes´s last blog ..My favorite childhood movie =-.

  7. We are so much alike hun! I have the same exact thing! I am finally getting out and doing things again thanks to Angie (@pricousins) but I was the same way. I wasn’t like that until a few years ago because I was attacked in a mall parking garage. The police were absolutely no help in the matter and it made me feel so scared I couldn’t function. If the people that were supposed to protect me couldn’t then I worried I had no hope. I was even mad because Dave wasn’t with me to protect me. I couldn’t understand how my own love and protector, can be in law enforcement and NOT do his job by protecting me. Obviously he had no control over the situation but it made me have such bad social anxiety I couldnt leave the house for weeks. When i finally did I could only go with Dave. Now I am slowly able to go by myself, but still not much. You mentioned you can go with the kids. I can’t even go alone with Elijah and I because I am afraid of how I would protect him if I can’t protect myself. It’s really sad but I am working through it. Slowly but surely (and using social media too) I will get back to normal. I want to be back to normal.

    I hope we can both overcome this and I hope to be able to meet you one day face and face. Minus the anxiety! 🙂
    .-= Erin´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – I heart this face. =-.

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