Tell you that you can’t do something … serious, as parents we try to show our children they can reach to the stars with their dreams. As a parent we are teaching our children to have the “I can” attitude, yet as we get older and have dealt with so many various traumatic, life changing experiences we lose that “I can” attitude and allow others to determine where our life will lead. This is unacceptable! No more letting other people determine your path in life, be YOU and do what YOU desire to do, if you want to be a big wig actress, a popular author or a stay at home mom, do what it is YOU WANT and don’t let the “I cannot’s” of this world get in your way!
All too often I am found listening or reading from others who think that a mother can not multi-task and be a mom while still pursuing her life long dreams. This is true for Dad’s too, there are so many Dad’s out there now that are the single parent raising their children, and some of these single Dad’s are doing it all alone without the mother being present in the life of the child. No more of the old style thinking of a single mom with a deadbeat Dad, there are many deadbeat Mom’s out there too!
If life was one way and we all dreamed the same way and we all let those negative news reports and those negative family members determine where our life would lead, nobody would succeed. We would all live very boring lives with children and partners or spouses without “feeling” any passion. I want more, I expect more and YOU SHOULD too!
I know I am married, I am not certain if I want to be with my husband forever, we have a lot of differences that really were not focused on when we rushed into living together and then later on marrying and having children. I can’t go back and erase the past, all I can do is work on what I am passionate about so that my mind is clear and free. Once my mind is clear and free, then and ONLY THEN can I determine what’s best for my children’s and my emotional well being.
I invite you take some time today and think about what it is you truly want in your life, what dreams do you have that have been placed on the back burner? What is it that you want to do that you have been deterred from? Whatever it is, get that passion back, the desire to be the “I can” in this world and you will see that everything else you are questioning in your life will come together on it’s own!
Make it a Happy Day!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Brandy, blogitse. blogitse said: RT @brandyellen Don’t Let Nobody […]
I couldn’t agree with you more on all of those points. While it is hard to have children and since my own recent divorce that is what I am doing. Trying to manage my children and life while at the same time trying to do what it is I want to do with my life.
Very inspiring post, thank you!
.-= Sharon´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – My Christmas Tree Boy! =-.
Thanks for the great reminder.
.-= Felicia´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Our 9 Year Anniversary! =-.
New Blog Post: Don’t Let Nobody
RT @brandyellen Don’t Let Nobody
Well said, Brandy! I agree completely. Whatever we as women choose, our choices are equally valid and need to be respected. Will RT this right now.
I CAN! 🙂
I’ve had so many dreams,
still have,
but what you do for them is a different thing. If you just dream – they are dreams.
If you have a goal – then it’s more.
You need motivation. Work. And more work.
But you should enjoy what you’re doing!
ooooh, got up 4 am this morning – got to go to sleep now…
Did I say anything ‘wise’?
Take care! 🙂
.-= BLOGitse´s last blog ..Living in Emergency Documentary: Stories of Doctors Without Borders =-.
I totally agree with you. For some reason, once a woman stays home everyone seems to think that she’s abandoned her dreams. Being a mom is my biggest and most important job, but there’s still much more to me than that.
.-= Tina T´s last blog ..Celebrities and Relationships =-.