I have to tune in another day I believe for a special but my local news station mentioned Monday night that Facebook is being blamed for one local couples marriage failing. Okay, I have to put my two cents in here … normally I stay out of other peoples business and opinions but I feel very strongly that if something fails or you fail there is no one to blame but the one or two people involved. In this case it’s the couple …
Okay so I don’t know the whole story on this particular couple, this write up is strictly based on the two second clip I saw on the television that clearly made it sound like the wife is blaming Facebook for her husband’s cheating or leaving her.
First off, if your spouse is on a social networking site and connects with another person in that way then you have more issues in your relationship than the fact that he was on the site in the first place. I use Facebook daily, I love Facebook and I am going through a separation with my husband, so is it okay for him to say Facebook is tempting me to go find someone else?! I mean really? If my husband said that I would laugh my butt off, because reality is a marriage has it’s ups and downs, a marriage just like any serious relationship takes work … hard work and sometimes it turns out that the two people simply just can no longer work together in the marriage.
Facebook or any other social networking site can not be the one to blame when a physical person starts to cheat virtually, in real life, whatever … the “person” is the one who decided to cheat. If a married person is truly happy in their relationship then they wouldn’t be open to such tempations is my opinion and if the temptation arose then they could completely avoid it.
I talk to both male and females on Facebook, before Facebook I was on MySpace which is actually where my husband and I started to talk. My husband has not once had a trust issue with me using any social networking site, nor would he ever “hack” into my account to see what I am up to. I am also pretty certain that even if I did find someone on a social networking site and that was the reason behind our separation that he wouldn’t blame the website, he would blame ME or blame himself, depending upon how he took it. I know if the shoe was reversed I wouldn’t blame anyone, I would simply accept the fact that our marriage had gotten to the point where we didn’t have the connection that a married couple should have and I would try my best to move on.
I am a believer that life is pretty simple, yet you can make it complicated. If YOU do something wrong, then it’s YOUR fault … you can’t blame anyone else for YOUR actions. I think that’s pretty simple. If only everyone thought that way, eh?
I am now going to try to catch the whole story because I am very curious where this wife is coming from with their particular problem.
Make it a Happy Day!
I agree. Facebook alone can’t hurt your relationship. There has to be other issues that are way wrong in the first place.
.-= Laura´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Cute Puppy =-.
That is true…I have heard a lot of people say Facebook ruins marriage…and to that I say, if THAT is what people are looking for…then THAT is what they will get.
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..Love and Passion and Sex =-.
Facebook a Dangerous Source of Temptation | Happily Blended http://bit.ly/89EVGm
Touche. I wouldn’t survive without social networking, especially since I work from home. If people’s marriages are failing, it’s not because of facebook, it would have happened anyway.
.-= Julie@Momspective´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Aren’t I Adorable? =-.
I agree with you 100% that thought of blaming a website for someone’s infidelity is just ridiculous. Did Facebook go and force this guy to cheat on his wife? People just don’t like to take personal responsibilities for the own actions , of course it has to be something else that is the reason when all they have to do is look in the mirror.
.-= Dan @ Tampa Homes´s last blog ..DR Horton Schooner Cove =-.
That is crazy to blame something or someone else for your problems. There is nobody to blame but yourself. When will people start to realize this.
.-= Jessica @ Riding with Jessica´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: 11/25 =-.
We get lots of complaints about FaceBook on LuvemOrLeavem. Everything from people who spend too much time with their new online friends to people who have reconnected with lost loves from their past. If you’re frantically searching for your long lost love and you’re in a relationship, then there’s a problem. If you happen to reconnect through FaceBook, you can’t put the blame on FaceBook.
.-= Tina T´s last blog ..Romance, Happiness and Children =-.
I agree 100%. I use facebook alot. I have re-connected with old high school friends (yes guys too) and before doing so actually talked to my husband about it. He said pretty much what you did. He didn’t care and that if I chose to cheat it would be MY fault not Facebook’s for allowing me access to that person
.-= Melissa Austin´s last blog ..Great Gift Idea for The College Boy or Soldier in Your Life: The Automated Man =-.