- Image by tapperboy via Flickr
When I first started blogging back in December 2008 I never knew how much blogging would change my life. I started blogging as a way to pursue my love for writing. Writing has always been an outlet for me, it’s my way of turning a negative into a positive. Originally titled Writings of a WAHM, eventually I realized that was not who I am. Although I am a Mom, have a business and work from a home office I didn’t feel the name suited what I wanted my blog to be about. As my writing grew and my readership levels grew I found myself relating to others in a way I never had before.
When my blog was renamed I saw an increase in interested people. From bloggers to mothers and parents of all ages I found many were interested in the idea of pursuing happiness; people enjoying looking to the positive and are intrigued to see how I do it. As a mom of three and having two in diapers I face so many challenges on a daily basis that could potentially make my mood swing to negative easily. I made the decision to move towards the positive direction with parenting, relationships and friendship.
Blogging at Happily Blended has changed my life in so many ways. First I have met many other mothers and fathers who struggle with very similar challenges as I do. Although I have met few who have two in diapers at this time, I have been able to find parents who did have two in diapers and have been more than willing to lend their tips and tricks to me. Second I have met many positive people in the virtual world through blogging. My day to day life consists of being mommy, chauffeur, supporter of all, and rarely do I find time for myself. Interacting with adults only happens for me in the virtual world because it’s very hard to get away from raising kids when you don’t have someone to watch the children, and your husband works endless hours to support the family. Third I have been able to connect with some of my favorite businesses such as PBS Sprout and Office Max. I often run giveaways, product reviews, informative posts and more based on businesses I love. Not to mention many @Etsy business people. I have enjoyed getting to know so many people on a more personal level through blogging and have found a support system like no other.
Blogging is not for everyone. Take my husband for instance, he started his own blog called Daddy Knows All after seeing what blogging has done for me both emotionally as well as financially. Little did we realize after Daddy Knows All launched he would be called to work more, sleep less and deal with challenges with our two sons and so Daddy Knows All has been put on the back burner and we are looking at a way to create more of a video blog for him since writing is not his strong suit. Direct quote from my husband, “It would take me months to write something you do in ten minutes”.
If you are looking for a way to find other like minded individuals and have a passion for writing then blogging will be able to open many doors for you, change your life for the positive and increase awareness of who you are inside rather than based on appearance.
For those who blog already I am sure blogging has changed your life for the better in many ways I invite you to share how blogging has changed your life in a form of a blog post and please come back to link in a comment so I may read this blog post. I am curious to see how blogging has changed YOUR life as well.
New Blog Post: Blogging Changes Lives http://bit.ly/5qYT6
RT @brandyellen: New Blog Post: Blogging Changes Lives http://bit.ly/5qYT6
Blogging has been a life saver for me because I used to tend to keep things bottled up and writing them out has been so freeing!! The down side has been my extended family’s response to it all – mainly because they are the ones causing me grief that normally got bottled up and I am letting it out!
.-= Stacey´s last blog ..Super Sunday Savings… =-.
I did not write a post about it but blogging has indeed changed my life. I homeschool my boys and since most of my friends work I cannot leave them with anyone. Occasionally my mother in law is available and that has been good. Blogging has given me a chance to unwind, relax, ‘get away from home’ and meet new people. I’ve found encouragement that has helped me in parenting, marriage, organization and a host of other things too numerous to mention.
.-= Fruitfulvine2´s last blog ..Blogiversary Giveaway =-.
I love blogging but, haven’t done much of it lately. Things have been crazy for the last 3-4 months with my brother in law having cancer and dying so, its been so hectic and I recently started school back in june in which, takes up alot of my time probably more than I want. I really need to revamp my blog but, not sure how to go about it. It needs a make over in which I’ve said that for awhile now but, Its just so expensive to pay someone to do it. Blogging has been such a stress reliever for me at times. No matter if I am talking about “Life” or some product.
.-= mary beth´s last blog ..A great loss =-.
I love blogging, still hoping to find a way to make money at it. But it is helping my scrapbook designer aspirations, I’m going to be published soon in scrapbookingmagazine.com and they found my website through twitter.
Visiting tonight from Harriet’s site.
.-= Julie@JulieChats´s last blog ..Layout of the Week – My Birthday =-.
Blogging is an outlet for me to share my knowledge, thoughts and woes with other like minded adults. It has opened up many different opportunities and brought me new friends and clients.
I too enjoy blogging a lot.
.-= Dominique´s last blog ..Monday Edition- Birthday Giveaway Winners =-.
Blogging has definitely changed my life. It enables me to express how does I feel and I am so happy with it. Plus the fact that potential earnings awaits ahead. I also learned to think positively.
.-= Patrice´s last blog ..Moms Work at Home with Online Marketing =-.
Have recvd a lot of wonderful comments on Blogging Changes Lives: http://bit.ly/CXOjH
RT @brandyellen Blogging Changes Lives | Happily Blended http://bit.ly/4mnZ7t
[…] Blogging Changes Lives | Happily Blended happilyblended.com/2009/08/blogging-lives – view page – cached Image by tapperboy via Flickr When I first started blogging back in December 2008 I never knew how much blogging would change my life. I, Image by tapperboy via Flickr When I first started blogging back in December 2008 I never knew how much blogging would change my life. I — From the page […]
I have only blogged for 6 months but it has changed my life….I have made so many new friends….and cannot imagine life without it……
.-= Teresa´s last blog ..ANNOUNCING =-.