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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

22 thoughts on “Fitness Friday: Feel the #EASactive Burn Baby”

  1. Good luck using the active. My knees are more sore after doing the squats…but I try to focus on doing them so that more weight is on my heels.

    colleen_mouse’s last blog post..Fitness Friday…Start of 30 day challenge

  2. You go Brandy!! I’m so glad you are giving this a run! You have a LOT on your plate right now and I’m betting squeezing in that 30 day challenge will make you feel SO GOOD!! I can’t wait to hear about your progress as you go..and I’m so glad to have your support as well!!

    I can tweet ya’ every morning!! There are a couple of poor individuals I’m stalking to keep them on their toes 🙂

    Jenn @ The Coupon Coup’s last blog post..Fitness Friday: EASports Active and This Wii Mommy

  3. Good luck using the Active. I don’t have one yet. I’m hoping to get it soon. I love the wiifit. Everyone I know that quit smoking has gained alittle weight, but just think how much healthier you will be. Stick with it.

    shawn’s last blog post..Fitness Friday

  4. That’s okay that you didn’t work out yesterday, the 30 day challenge is designed to have you work out for 2 days and take a day off. You have the option to work out on the rest day, but your body needs a day to recover from the killer workout it gives you, so you’re right on track!

    (P.S. Don’t tempt me, I WILL call you every day lol)

    Julie@Momspective’s last blog post..Fitness Friday-Forum Tips

  5. Great job this week! At least you had a chance to do some workouts with the EASA! 🙂

    I didn’t get to use it this week with Hovering Hubby hovering, but am looking forward to going all out on it again next week – at least I didn’t sit still this week, so I’ll be up for the challenge next week! 😉 Looking forward to reading your update next week! 🙂

    Stacy (the Random Cool Chick)’s last blog post..Fitness Friday – Heavy Lifting and Some Fun

  6. I am loving my EA Active! I skipped a few days…so I’m not real sure what day I am at today, but either way I KNOW it is going to hurt. I’m working out with the 30 Day Challenge on medium intensity. Way to go on kicking the smoking habit.

    Joanne’s last blog post..Fitness Friday: I’m soooo sore!

  7. Hi Brandy! I’m new to WiiMommies! I’ve been using my Wii Fit but I can’t wait to get EA Sports Active!!!! Sounds like soo much fun. Well I just wanted to stop by to say hi. Good luck & keep pushin!

    Virginia’s last blog post..Freebie Friday

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  9. NIA Fitness and Exercise Lessons : The Nia Fast Clock Step Exercises for Fitness & Healing | STEP WORKOUT INFORMATION says:

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