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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

6 thoughts on “Forget the crib”

  1. Brandy,

    As I read your blog, I could almost see myself in it. Damien is now 6, but for the past 2 years now, we have dealt with anger issues, hyperactivity and many other things. They have diagnosed him with ADHD and ODD.

    The one thing I was adamant about was that he NOT have to “learn” how to function on medication. While it works for some, it is my feelings that if he was put on meds now, he would never learn how to function without them.

    I think taking him to a Behavioral Health specialist is a great idea. However, just be ready for them to suggest medication. I had to switch specialists at the center we use, because the first one only wanted to medicate him.

    Does your hospital have a Child Development Center? I ask because the school gave us a refferal there, and we are on a waiting list. The CD center has nurses,(if you were to choose to medicate him) to talk to you, social workers and the whole nine yards…

    Anyways..I have been where you are so if you need anything please feel free to email me.

    Good luck..and just know that it is nothing you have done wrong…I used to feel like that…

  2. It’s easy to give advice but as a parent, when you go through it, it’s not all text book. Things don’t always go as planned, that’s parenting.

    Your doing all the right things. Keep it up and I’m sure everything will go better.

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  3. I have been involved with all kinds of kids learning/emotional issues in my school district for the past 15 years and I would advise you to have your son evaluated by a developmental pediatrician. who may be less likely to prescribe medicine. Also do you have any kind of early intervention program? Here we do have that, where programs for kids who are not yet in school receive all kinds of services……omg parenting can be such a challenge. It takes you to so many places you had no idea you were going to. The beauty of your situation is that you know something is up and you seem to be on top of it. That is the most important thing! Also have you thought of a homeopathic doctor?

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